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  2. I gather the package, motor, suspension, brakes, is very good, even verging on excellent. The few times I've seen one in the flesh, my reaction ranged all the way from "what the fark is that?" to "hmm, actually not bad". But if I had one, it would have to be modified. A German company made a thing that they named "Scandalo". A Centauro with (I think) a Sport 1100 tank and a seat and tailpiece that the made themselves. Looks a lot like the photo that @Lucky Phil posted further up. If I had one, it would have to go a long way in that direction to make me happy, but of course with clip-ons instead of that silly chook-chaser handlebar.
  3. That looks like a stunter's GSXR after too many wheelie loops. Nice tank, tho.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I’m a big fan of the Centy, but I’m me……..
  6. Not as many as you. Phil
  7. Years ago I saw a Centauro for sale in Los Angeles for top dollar that was painted flat black and described as Stealth . 🥷 I actually thought it looked pretty cool and it sold pretty quickly. Anyone ever see it on the road in California ?
  8. It's always a fun event at the Texas Sidecar....will miss it this year however due to other family commitments. Nice to see the tour of their factory, quite a bit bigger than the older one. He does have a custom painter who does excellent work...I may have to consider him for a paint job in the future on the Norge. A few years ago, an older fellow had a Norge with a TSC that he was selling...but I never had a chance to see how it all bolted up...hopefully not putting any stress on the CARC itself. At this point, still planning on getting to COTA for Moto GP on Sunday...
  9. According to his latest interviews, he said that he is trying to ignore that everybody says he is going to win hand's down. Trying to find some unexpected challenges where they aren't. Good luck with that.
  10. I am taking guesses for who will be the first of the seconds? I watched all the vlogs of MotoGP specialists which have people at COTA last night; there is not a single one predicting anything else but two more wins for MM93. The focus is on who could arrive behind him; Alex Marquex is not a favorie on this one, even if he probably gets some special information from his brother. Some are predicting the return of Francesco Bagnaia, which is something to be expected, but will it happen here? Maverick Viñales won last year, Alex Rins in 2023, Enea Bastianini in 2022. So we have two of the winners on Tech 3 KTMs, and the other on a Yamaha. Unless of course Bezzecchi find its way with the Aprilia.
  11. Cable. Entirely different (better) clutch than the big block.
  12. I bought the bike that started this thread. It was REALLY heavy to move around when I got it but adding a little air to the 6 psi tires fixed that up. Oil change got done right away. A new battery was installed with purchase. There are oil drips (not up to leaks yet) from the bottom pan and the front pan (I'm not sure what's behind it yet) gaskets. I started with cleaning the old oil off just to see what was there. I added a Puig universal wind screen for good wind protection. I'm part way through painting covers red to match the tank. New paint is red with silver sparkle underneath. By the time it's done I expect it will look great (to me any ways). There is no stuttering or anything suggesting air getting into the fuel delivery system. Noises are typical for a tractor ;-). The speedo works well. I haven't owned a bike with a Veglia since the '71 Ducati Desmo 450 single I had. The glitter silver was tempting for the Guzzi paint. I thought glitter purple would be too much. In the end I stayed with the deep red. I rode a Yami 600 last year which redlines at 14k. It was always spinning at high revs. The Goose doesn't need to rev at all but likes 5 grand better than 4. 90 miles an hour isn't work for this bike. Suspension is stiff but the bike settles down right away after bumps and feels glued to the road. Tires are from '21 but only have a couple hundred miles on them. They aren't sliding at the speeds I ride at. Plans this year include finishing paint more, checking valves, and changing most oils. A gasket or 2 might get replaced as well. Within 10 minutes I get to some of the nicest riding roads in my area. There is a 60 mile loop that has almost no straight road in it. Bush all around. Gravel on the road at times because of people that go off the pavement so isn't for knee draggers but always entertaining. A ride earlier in the year had deer making me slow down in 2 places. Keep the rubber side down. Grant.
  13. It is unusual how so many members have similar bikes .
  14. Well , they took the ugliest bike ever produced by MG and turned them into something pretty good looking !
  15. IDK anything about these bikes . Are these hydraulic or cable operated clutches ?
  16. $250 new.
  17. i see you have some cool machines in your collection @Lucky Phil. i also have a GSXR (750), 1198s and had a 900ss, ST4s and ST3s...
  18. I think different secondary pipes to get the higher angle. Phil
  19. thanks mate, i'll let you know if i require them @Lucky Phil. different mid-pipes required, or the mufflers have some flexibility in the angling?
  20. Just the golden colour they eventually go to after use. I have some pillion high mounts I think I can sell you if you need them. Phil
  21. thanks heaps @Lucky Phil, i appreciate the knowledge. i missed the different passenger pegs. is there a different finish on the pipes also, or is that just lighting?
  22. You need to get out more, lol. that's got no class or elegance at all. Ignoring the silly inlet trumpets I offer this as a much more classy exhibit. Phil
  23. The ecu isn't necessary it will run fine on the std ecu mapping so don't pay for that. The last 2 images are the same setup with the high mount pillion pegs and adaptors. The images are taken at different angles and makes it deceptive. Phil
  24. Best looking Centy I've ever seen!! Good luck with your project!
  25. throwing out some feelers to see if anyone has my preferred set of exhaust mufflers for a 2002 V11 Le Mans. anyone got a set of these for sale? in excellent condition of course, whether new or used. i assume the matching ECU is necessary also, and i'd love to have that as well if so. looking for them at a normal or slightly upsweft angle as shown in the following images. thanks heaps gentlemen... p.s. to only be paid for with PayPal 'goods and services" of course, so don't bother to contact me with any scam attempts. p.s.s. is there some leeway with adjusting the angle of the mufflers? i see three distinct angles below. middle position looks best to me.
  26. Back in December I bought a yellow 1997 Centauro basket case with 21,000 miles (all the fairings are off it) but I saw a video of it running. Today I purchased a 1998 yellow Centauro with 18,000 miles and a cracked head. Both owners were not Guzzi guys and I got them dirt cheap . My hope is that I have one good engine that I will put belts on. I also am pulling the bad head to see what collateral damage took place when the right head got cracked. Is the piston still good ? If so should I put the good head on the damaged engine and replace belts and see if it will run ? I will pull the bad head soon and do an inspection.If the results are positive, I might be in need of a used V10 right side head if anyone has one laying around. I have already begun sourcing Daytona parts to convert one Centauro into a Daytona RS. PS - I made a phone call to discuss the bad engine and was told to totally tear down the engine to inspect the crank .🤔hmm
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