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Yes, but I had good drugs, I think. I actually didn't have any pain, neither at the accident site (shock, adrenaline, and what the ambulance folks gave me...) nor at any time afterwards. Lucky, I guess.

What is left over: the sensitivity in the right forefinger is buggered. On top of the injury from the accident, there is the results of getting it jammed in a schoolmate's locker door when I was about 15 (my own stupidity, being a smartarse...), and the classic symptoms of a C5 - C6 slipped disc, which makes the forefinger, middle finger and thumb on the affected side numb. So doing up M4 screws is a bit of a fiddle.

The worst (although bearable. Well, nearly...) is that the left hand is now quite weather sensitive, and the scar where the plate in the left wrist went in tends to becoming hypersensitive. At times it feels like it has been worked over with a scouring pad. :unsure:

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