Sorry to be the fly in the oiltment but I bought one for a big trip in the USA when they first came out and hated it. A great, heavy, imprecise, wallowing bucket of lard with all of the charisma of a roadkilled wombat in midsummer heat.
Look, if you're a 'Cruiser' sort of guy them it will probably be fine but there was nothing about it I really liked and a whole lot I hated compared to my beloved CARC bikes. Weedy, spindly, non adjustable forks, limited travel twin shock rear suspension, no reactive drive, wheelbase longer than a supertanker, (And CARC bikes are scarcely short!) odd "I'm riding along with my legs poked out in front of me under the handlebars and it seems someone has inserted a star picket up my blurter!" Riding position and an exhaust note like someone shitting pebbles into a 44 gallon drum full of custard.
I'd rather f*$# spiders than own another one.