A PC doesn't alter any sensor readings going to the ECU. It modifies the injection pulse width based on the map values. In itself not a bad approach if the ECU's content (BIN) can't be modified. I use a PC on a Yamaha GTS1000 to shift the Lambda value, as seen by the ECU, downward by 0.03.
The challenge with a PC map is that the breakpoints, neither TPS nor rpm, match the breakpoints used by the Guzzi (or whatever) code. Thus the bi-linear interpolation of the ECU code between the given breakpoints is taken over by the %-variations of a PC map at breakpoints which don't match. The TPS breakpoint issue could be avoided with the Dynojet Power Core-SW to set individual breakpoints, but I've never seen a PC map which actually used this.
Changing the BIN loaded into the ECU is always the better choice.