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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2019 in all areas

  1. got tired of using the screwdriver to start the motorcycle now I have a remote start button
    1 point
  2. 20170916_152311 by Neil Morgan, on Flickr
    1 point
  3. Jeez Louise! It's just the small button in the middle that pops off and exposes the hex hole. I thought the entire thing was a cap. Duh. I'll just go sit in the corner now. Thanks guys!
    1 point
  4. First report with the Shindengen 847, all good, and now with a led voltage monitor [emoji32]. Now my 30amp fuse is on holiday forever. Anything happens, will report back. Upgraded wire size to starter and ground. Cheers tom. Sent fra min SM-G903F via Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Ear plugs are a necessity. Period. The wind noise alone will damage your hearing. Trust me on this..
    1 point
  6. New seat. Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. "Held!" . . . I always knew footgoose to be a classy guy!
    1 point
  8. Here's a basic question......what was the very last thing you did to the bike before it wouldnt start? You would be surprised at the answers you get at times......" nothing really, gave it a wash thats all!!! Water, electrical connections? you know what I mean. Think about the very last thing. Ciao
    1 point
  9. Taking a cue from my GB500 crankcase vent and carb overflow traps, I built a drainable trap for the V11 tank vent/ overflow. GB: V11 Sport:
    1 point
  10. Hmmmm, I remember an issue with the Mighty Scura that required several people to fix at the spine raid.. 2018-09-10_08-34-08 by Charles Stottlemyer, on Flickr No shortage of,ahem, experience there:) If thats your accommodation at a rally these days I must start getting to a few. Ciao Fifteenth South'n Spine Raid, and our tenth at those accommodations, The Lodge at Tellico (Tellico Plains, Tennessee). The weekend after (US) Labor Day (September). Y'all come now, ya hear?
    1 point
  11. Well got it done and dusted. While It was up on the stand with the tank off I pulled the airbox and fitted the gearbox support as well so that's another job off the list. The bike started right up with oil pressure even before it fired which was nice considering I had drained the oil cooler. The gears are almost silent, I can hear them hot and cold but I'm listening for them. When its hot you can just hear the sound of meshing gears whirring around which sounds rather cool to me. Couple of things, the idle went up by a few hundred rpm. I have my idle set fairly high at just under 1200 rpm on the Vaguelia and after the install I had around 1400-1500 rpm indicated. No loose hoses or any other obvious issues so I took it down on the idle screw. The bike ran fine and I'm trying my best to be objective here but it was maybe a little bit more responsive. It seems to respond to the throttle a little sharper, not night and day but it seems sharper. I had read a long time ago ( with some skepticism I might add) the theory that the old floating throttle hiccup was caused by timing chain slack so I was interested to see how this went. My bike has always done this at or around 3200 rpm while cruising on the flat with just a whiff of throttle, maybe 2-3%, just off the stop. It would cough once every klm or so. I don't ride in the hiccup zone much so I wasn't bothered to chase it down. On the test ride I tried my hardest to make it hiccup and cough but without any success. The jury is still out on this I'll see how it goes in different atmospheric conditions. Ciao
    1 point
  12. Elegance, engineering purity? You may as well ask Ducati why they bothered with that lovely bevel drive system on their old twins, or their continued adoption of Desmo valve gear or MV Agusta on why they bothered with silly gear driven cams on their road and race bikes or Honda on their VFR series or Rolls Royce for using shaft driven bevel gears on a Merlin engine. If you need to ask then you probably wont understand the answer Always found chains are best left for the bedroom activities Ciao
    1 point
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