This turned into a two-week test, because I was away on business travel and snuck in a little adventure, which involves a diesel truck and a snowstorm on a mountain pass in Idaho. So today (finally) the results are in.
Brake fluid - seal has 44mm OD
Engine oil - seal has 52mm OD - this is an 18% increase in the OD.
Brakleen - seal has 44mm OD - it should be noted that the Brakleen evaporated, even though I had covered the jar with plastic wrap. Therefore, I have no idea how long the seal soaked in the fluid.
WD-40 - seal has 59mm OD - this is a 35% increase in the OD.
The measuring caliper on the engine oil seal is set to 59mm so you can see how much more the WD-40 caused the seal to swell - compared to swelling caused by the engine oil.
Cleaning calipers with WD-40 is even worse than cleaning with engine oil. Despite the WD-40 "secret recipe" and some mystery about whether WD-40 includes any petroleum, it seems reasonable to assume that WD-40 does, in fact, contain petroleum distillates. If brake cleaner has any negative effect on seals, it probably won't stick around long enough to do any damage.