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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2019 in all areas

  1. First long ride since last summer. Tacked on a couple of days to last weekend and headed for Blenheim to visit family. East coast north of Kaikoura still has a lot of road works as a result of the earthquakes a few years ago so you have to be patient with numerous stop/go guys. What was a 4 hour trip is now 6 hours. Return trip was quicker but colder from snow that had fallen previous day. Bike went well. Just clicked over 60,000 ks. Rally season coming up here so should be able to get a few more rides in.
    4 points
  2. Dog Story. We used to live about 3 1/2 miles out of town and away from Jr Hi School. So rather than ride the bus, I would ride my bicycle. On the corner, about a mile away, our neighbors had a couple of German Shepherds that loved to chase cars. So when I rode the bike, they would get in my way. I would stop to avoid crashing into them and walk the bike. I finally learned, just don't slow down and keep going. They'd bark and chase and give up just like chasing a car. Of course I had to go around the corner quickly and not stop at the stop sign. When I got my Honda Scrambler 90, it was no problem.
    2 points
  3. A friend has an old Honda owners manual that advises, "Beware of dogs making sport in the roadway."
    1 point
  4. You know docc when I first got my drivers licence in the 70's avoiding dogs on the road was a routine occurrence and then the councils everywhere cracked down on having them properly housed and restrained. I've remarked to people a few times over the last few years about this, generally when you see the very unusual sight of a dog wandering about free. A very rare event these days here. Back in the 70's a friend just down the road used to ride a green frame Ducati 750SS to work every day (after he managed to get it started) and the next door neighbours dog with its starting attempt pre warning would be laying in wait for its scamper down the drive way which was perpendicular to the street and the peal off at the end to intercept on a parallel course to the Duke. More than once the mutt misjudged the hard turn required and the whole show got very fraught for both parties. Ciao
    1 point
  5. Ref. Service Announcement No. 14-2003 Affected VIN: ZGUKR0000YM112131 - ZGUKR00001M114639 ZGUKR00001M111111 - ZGUKR00001M111147 ZGUKR0000YM211111 - ZGUKR00001M211162 Bikes from 1999 until 2002 Kit code no. 973260900016 Flexible coupling hose - 04211201 - 1ea. Spacer - 04212401 - 1ea. Movable hose - 04214901 - 2ea. Rolf
    1 point
  6. Ingolf Schubert i Germany has the friction plate for you. Part: 300433101 https://smotos.de/ersatzteile/kupplungsscheiben-sinter-kupplungsreibscheiben-schwungscheiben-ergalschwungscheiben-anlasskranz-andruckplatte-geschlitzte-zwischenscheibe/ https://www.stein-dinse.biz/# Rolf
    1 point
  7. With the fuse open the regulator won't work, means won't charge. With the fuse solidly bridged (what I understand under "running it without a fuse") you go a rather high risk of fire in whatever form. Because then you have your mighty Odyssey directly connected either to the regulator or, in case of a shorted cable, directly to the frame or the engine etc.
    1 point
  8. Pete I found out how to put the picture in here. Rolf
    1 point
  9. Hi Pete(r) I happen to have the recall kit GU973260900016. It consist of 2 sleeves and 1 redesigned cush drive. Let me know if you have trouble getting these parts free from Moto Guzzi. Send me your mail and you can get pictures of the parts. Rolf (rolf.halvorsen@mail.com)
    1 point
  10. October 99 to April 2001 Pete. VIN 111929 to 114435 Ciao
    1 point
  11. Interesting. In 50 years of riding I've never actually used a motorcycle horn. Ciao
    1 point
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1984-Moto-Guzzi-V12/254331040739?hash=item3b374fb3e3:g:S0IAAOSwoA5dVN33 Oh. My. VT4L
    1 point
  13. 1 point
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