wow. i'm not a "signer-upper" usually, but docc's suggestion of the AMA seems like a good way to go, despite me chucking their constant junk-mail to me...
For comparison, AAA has the add-on option for family, so i could mooch off my wife's membership and pay less to joing, but then you need to upgrade to the higher level of service for it to cover bikes ($135?/yr?). ok, data point. But since i've never had to get trucked out of a bad spot to this point in my life, thats many decades of service i would have paid for, so therefore many thousands i would have spent in dues. So touche.... i gambled and have "won" so far to this point in life, since now i could pay cash for a tow and still come out way ahead.
But the AMA deal... $49 and includes the 35 mile roadside towing/assistance, including canada and alaska. Not going to usually find that 35 miles will help much in Alaska, but still not a bad start. My old KTM up there is not the machine that i have the most faith in, and it doesn't get as much attention from me because it doesn't live in my shop each winter for some annual coddling, although i love it, .... so a tow option is a mildly comforting notion for the beast up north every year. Then, I'm usually on a bit of time schedule when i'm on my longer road trips and away from work/family, so its also comforting to know that if i can't fix something efficiently, then i could tow to a nearby town and shop, and airline home for work, then sort out things from there. Never has happened yet, and not planning on it, but again, mildly comforting. But then the AMA deal includes RV's and trailers? Crazy. The RV option from AAA as i recall is considerably more than the standard AAA deal, so seems like helluva deal from AMA. probably some catches in the fine print, but if the price is that low for something i hope to never use, then its a win.