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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2019 in all areas

  1. Don't misread me, I understand and appreciate the effort and the purpose. It's just not something I want to add to my psychological load.
    2 points
  2. imgzeit was done by v7cafe, not coincidentally, but in response to our content loss from PhotoBlockit's first stunt blocking all images and demanding subscription payment. He also built one of the first tools to transfer image albums out of there to a reliable host. They kept finding it and shutting it off and he kept rebuilding it to keep helping people rescue their own images. Not just this forum, either; folks from all walks all over the world. Then "imgzeit" for $11US/yr. Makes me proud. (My oldest son, who rides with us and now has the V85TT )
    2 points
  3. ... a thought I often find myself sharing in everyday living, though not as eloquent.
    1 point
  4. I totally respect that. You've made delightful contributions to our small community! I love the shirts, especially in 1100Sport-i Yellow!
    1 point
  5. Looking like a scout patrol for an Italian armored division!
    1 point
  6. Um yeah I already have way too many parasitic costs in my life I'm trying to simplify. If I needed hosting more than a couple times a year, or in some volume, or if it was profitable I'd do that. These days, I just let the internet work as organically as it does, which means there are holes and conflicts that I'm not willing to invest time to resolve, like this one. I have no idea why some people can't view the photos- that's a question for Jaap.
    1 point
  7. RUGBY:( not for us. Australian MotoGP Ciao
    1 point
  8. Ok thats a "roll" pin and is used to control over travel of the selector arm. On later transmissions its replaced by and adjustable eccentric pin. It's just a press fit in the cover. Why it came out I dont know, thats not a common event. I suggest you use some green Loctite on it if it comes out again. Have a look at my write up on the selector mechanism. Ciao
    1 point
  9. Just had eye surgery yesterday. I am squinting. Doesn't help. Don't you subscribe to ImgZeit? Reallllllly cool image host. Just coincidentally developed by a forum member I am told. But don't believe me - here's a favorable write-up on Dreddit. Did I spell that right?
    1 point
  10. That's the first thing I tell new riders. Pretend you are invisible. If you expect a car to slow down or swerve to miss you, you are seriously screwing up.
    1 point
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