Pete and Todd do not get along anymore. I assume it hit the fan between them.
That said, I also have a bike using a map from Todd ('07 Griso 1100) and it runs well. It isn't for sale, either.
I like Pete, and respect his knowledge. But I also deal with Todd and I have not yet had a bad experience with Todd. I don't agree with everything Todd says or does, but the same could be said about Pete. But, in the end, everyone has to make their decisions based on their experiences.
If you are using GuzziDiag, as Pete mentioned, you should be able to find a map that will work well. There is a fairly large community of people using that software. If you aren't the sort to do that sort of thing yourself (like me) you can pay someone like Todd to do it for you. I did that with the Griso (paid Todd) and I did that with the V11 (found a local DynoJet / PowerCommander guy, he is long gone). For me, I deal with technology at work, and so when I get home I really don't want to get into something like GuzziDiag. Maybe one day I will have to bite the bullet, but for now all my Guzzi's (except the Lario) have been flashed or tuned and run great. The Lario runs pretty well, but it could use better jetting or even better carbs. I just don't think I need to worry about it on a vintage bike like that. Perfecting that bikes tuning would only encourage me to ride it harder and then it would probably blow up....