It seems that virtually all for sale have mods. Nothing new there. Q: How do you explain a 15+ year old unmodified Guzzi? Garage candy? Collector? Unknowing, uncaring owner? Impulse buy that subsequently sat unused? Probably all of the above and more.
As to pricing, I paid the asking price of $4,950 for my '04 Ballabio, due to very low mileage, condition, mods and accessories included. For that price, one option I had in a new bike was a 300 Ninja. AYKM?
Buying a Guzzi is akin to a marriage. Some guys love the old lump, warts and all, through thick and thin (docc? ), while others bail and look for something younger and faster. What I do know is that a Guzzi is the 'road less traveled', and that has always been my path.