I owned 2 '02 LeMans for awhile. One was acquired through a trade. This proved a very handy set up for maintenance/ride scheduling. But, two of the same thing didn't provide the excitement I look for when alternating bikes. I had thought of using the "one in less favor" for customization, but the longer I pondered, the more I realized what beauties they are, (almost) right from the factory. So I sold it. Last year I acquired an early red frame, again through a trade. Now,.....here I have two clearly distinguishable personalities to suit my quirks. The handling differences make for a fun and interesting switch-up. The early frame noticeably out performs the the later in tight corners, while the fully faired, long frame gives me the locomotive, 'wind-her-out' responses in the long sweepers that I've come to know and love, as the essence of my Guzzi experience. The looks are quite different, and exhaust mods provide unique music.
Both are fun to make changes to, and upgrades, though I won't be severely altering one of these. I have other bikes for that. The only other spine I would consider adding is the earli-er 1100 Sport, I. Other Guzzi?? Easy - Griso. Maybe 70's Eldo.