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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2019 in all areas

  1. On the stand ready for the big list of updates and servicing Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk
    5 points
  2. Hey the bike looks great ! Sh**heads & charlatans come in all shapes, sizes & professions. Glad you are past that & added to your mechanical skills because of it.
    2 points
  3. I took my 77 KZ1000 to a "mechanic" around 15 years ago to make it run right. Four cyl, four carb, valve adjust, ign, old ...neglected ...bla bla bla. His name is Ross. He had a small private shop in an industrial park. He took half his estimate when I brought it in, which I handed over after seeing his shop full of vintage bikes in various stages of repair, and enough various toolage to make him appear competent on some level. He at least seemed capable and interested in his work. After about five months of bs excuses, my surprise visits, seeing my bike pushed further to the rear of the shop, I emailed one day, as he stopped answering the phone, and said push it to the front, I will be picking it up tonight. He responded with pictures of disassembled carbs. Three weeks later I picked it up. It ran maybe 20% better, but it ran, and I hated him by then, so I paid the bill, which was higher (shock!) and took it home. On close inspection, I noticed the carb balance tube caps were used and mis-matched. I had provided all the new parts he would need and then some, including new caps. After some riding and realizing it was not properly tuned, #2 stopped firing, #4 intermittent, I confronted him. He said he needed the caps for another bike, and that they were "insignificant parts." The translation being .. I was an insignificant customer. I had served his purpose, cash infusion. I said to myself ..I can @#!#$# it up, alot faster and cheaper than shyster Ross, and at least learn something. I used several sources and tore into it. Rebuilding the rebuilt carbs, re-shimming the ignored valves, installing electronic ign. etc. #2 carb was better but not right. After cleaning twice more, I sourced another, rebuilt it and problem solved. I found an ex dealership tech to balance the carbs. He said they were very close already with my static setting. (an eighth inch drill bit). The spirit that gets properly brought to life in a Kaw Zed is a wonderful thing, especially when you owned showroom new one at age 26. So now I'm a "mechanic". Only for my own stuff, and only to a limited level. I will still sub out some things.. mostly to get to an oem baseline, but now do all maintenance and straight forward repairs myself. My recently acquired Guzzi Ohlins with 25k miles, went to a factory trained, and respected Ducati tech for said baseline rebuild. But the next time, I will do it. With my Guzzi's, the issues I am not comfortable with, I come here, V11LM.com,. to mooch advice and instruction from the keyboard mind of the experienced pro tech and the "extreem hobbiest". Advice given to help like minded owner/riders of a marque they love enough to want to keep on the road, even though it's not their own. Mechanically, I help friends with what I can, with marques I'm acquainted. If I charged for it I'd be a charlatan for sure. Ross stopped advertising and closed up shop a few months later. On my last visit with him I noticed someone had broken out his office door window, and Ross was wearing an ankle bracelet monitor. I'm guessing he fled the area to start up his scam in some other town, to take advantage of the (then) recent vintage boom. Watch out for him. finished and smiling....
    1 point
  4. I have staintunes from a Guzzi Daytona on my V11. Same mounting points, and slipped on just fine. The best looking and sounding exhausts IMO
    1 point
  5. +1 on the "2 scales." Plus you get the "weight distribution."
    1 point
  6. Two scales and add together. I haven't weighed it and last bike I did weigh I used industrial scales at the tip. Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Took a bit of looking, but Scud posted an image of the two different input hubs side-by-side. (The entire thread by sp838 is very informative regarding the RAM clutch.) Can a twin-plate hub actually be turned into a single-plate style hub by having it machined?
    1 point
  8. I must say, that looks just plain ol' mean! Have you weighed it, or will you?
    1 point
  9. must be the pillion cover. didn't know they made 'em in cf. $250 is about right for cf. the pad'll be separate money.
    1 point
  10. Pressure angle is all modest in his "confused" note to my referring to him as a resource, but see this thread in which he gave me all kinds of great counsel about a trip (I did not take yet, darn it) from here at the top of Virginia to family in Seattle: That may be more northerly than you (Twin AH) might choose, but it's a start and grist for winter thinking. And, if you are this way -- the top of Virginia -- you have a free room at the Moto Grappa and company for the ride down to the SSR. Bill
    1 point
  11. Interesting you guys have both been here about the same time. We had a much testier time here before that. Muuuuuuch better these days, all around, IMO. It's easy to agree that I like it better here (everywhere?) when we can all ease up. It's also easy to agree that it's nice to have all the pertinent parameters on a problem before we all dive in the problem solving (that we do seem to love so much). Trouble with that is there are now so many V11 that the present owner may not have complete knowledge on what has been changed or that any one of us might not realize a particular change is an important, even crucial, part of the puzzle. Since there really is nowhere else in the world that a V11 owner can get a solid education and reliable help to keep these beasts on the fly, I do hope anyone coming here will get a feeling of genuine support and camaraderie. On this, I believe we excel (especially in the web-world).
    1 point
  12. Thx for that Pressure. I hear ya, living and riding around in my area over the years ( B.C,Washington,Oregon and California)I think we may be a bit spoiled.... those big stretches in Utah and Nevada are a bit hard on ya when you add in the heat as well. I'm kicking it around right now as it would be really good to meet up with all of you for a beverage or two one day and ride your areas of play. Ciao
    1 point
  13. Thr Rossa Corsa is still for sale although it is Winter up here. I haven't checked the website in a while...my fault. Price lowered to $8000. Please e-mail me rockersbmw@gmail.com Bob
    1 point
  14. You dont get it when you start out that I dont get it I do Thats fine How do you know That I dont get it? Can you read my mind also? Ease up all is fine This site as always has been a great help in keeping a v 11 going. Been here a long time seen a lot come and go Please just ease up!!!
    0 points
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