As the winter sets in and I prepare to address a few outstanding jobs on my list, get parts together for my bikes, etc, I'm also mindful of paying some of my debts.
When I downloaded guzzidiag a long time ago, I wasn't sure I would ever be able to get it to work or have a need for it, so I didn't hit the donate button at the time, promising to go back at a later date.
I finally used it on my Griso this summer, and once I got it fully hooked up with the proper drivers, it worked like a charm. I look forward to tuning my new to me V11Lemans with it later this winter.
I recently corresponded with Beard, the "generous genius", behind guzzidiag, he's now working on ways to improve the stock guzzi ABS systems; the man obviously is very dedicated to helping us guzzi owners.
Even though I couldn't seem to navigate my way back to the donation button, it was very simple to send a donation via Paypal (to a friend) to , I had to be careful when I converted to Euros, rather than my intended 100 Euros donation, I almost sent .01 Euros, apparently it's an easy mistake to make.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to everyone, ride safe and often