as chance goes I've been revisiting the engine temperature related trim functions on the Jackal, since the current temperature are below 0°C and the respective engine temp breakpoints could be reached. The Jackal is also using the 15M, so it's seems relevant to this thread.
The start enrichment map and the fuel trim engine temp map were already changed several years ago on the V11 and Jackal, but at that time the logging equipment was from Innovate. Unreliable product and poor support led me to changing to the Zeitronix ZT2s. Those we hooked up to the Norge, but I got several more ZTs and mounted them on the Jackal.
The basic measuring procedure was already planned last year. The ZTs have two 0-5V inputs. But, both are being used during the normal logging. The first one is attached to the TPS, as the standard input only provides for measuring TPS as a integer %-value. Which is not good enough in the lower third of the TPS range, %-values overlap the degree values. The 2nd input gets the lambda signal measured by the 2nd ZT2. So the 2nd ZT2 was temporarily disconnected and the engine temperature sensor connected instead.
As mentioned above the engine temp related fuel trims are taken care of by two mechanism. The first is the start enrichment map, indexed by engine temperature and number of revolutions since ignition on. I've changed the standard 2000 revs in my BINs to 1000 a long time ago to minimize the interference during the normal logging. The index is to be understood working in reverse, to the first step is 1000-984 = 16 revolutions. And so forth, until the total number of revolutions, specified in a scalar, has passed.
The fuel trim engine temp map is a 1D, only indexed by engine temperature. Both functions overlap, so a trim by this table is factored together with the current start enrichment factor. One of the pictures shows both tables.
The 2nd picture shows the log of a cold start at ~65°C, which is the voltage coming from the sensor at that temperature. First line is lambda, then rpm, then TPS and then the voltage from the engine temp sensor.
As preparation a look-up table voltage vs temperature needed to be created. This was done by running the ZDL software and GuzziDiag at the same time and noting down the corresponding values. The measuring procedure is starting the engine with and logging the data. The inital data, while the rev countdown is still running, is used to check and correct the trim values in the start enrichment map, then shutting the engine down and repeating the procedure at every engine temp breakpoint. Which takes 20-30 tries, as the engine temperature keeps rising by 5-8°C after the engine was shut off.
Longer runs are used to get lamba values across the temperature range without the start enrichment influence. These are used to check and correct the fuel trim engine temperature table. And this opportunity is also used to re-evaluate the main fuel value at the lowest rpm/lowest TPS breakpoint, which I don't normally reach while driving. My idle speed is higher than that, but it is nicely reached during cold starts.
It will take another day or so, but the first results are very good.
The original values in the start enrichment map are much to rich, a lambda of <0.7, down to 0.6, is standard. Which is puzzling, as this is below the point at which the mixture will ignite at all. Good engineering by Guzzi, maybe. The corrections already made brought lambda in the range of 0.84-0.92, which I will try to equalize as good as possible.
The fuel trim values are more or less finished also, at least in the range from 0° to 90°C. The higher values will be done while road logging, Beard kindly added a temperature filter function to the database program he wrote to analyze the massive data volume created by the ZT2, close to a million data points in one hour.