Howdy from the top of Virginia.
I recently hosted and survived “MGTD-III” [Moto Grappa Tech Days], an annual (at least has been for three years) event that brings together some Moto Guzzi owners -- including Nobleswood here -- to work, à la Tom Sawyer, on my Guzzis.
And, while feminists may groan, it’s a “no wimmen allowed” gathering. Kathi goes elsewhere (this time to Erie) because why would she (or any other woman) hang around 15 guys who mostly get greasy from wrenching motorcycles, eat lots of bad food, drink beer and bourbon, belch, tell lies, snore loudly, and worse?
I culled my bazzilion photos and cobbled those into a captioned slideshow of this past weekend. Yes, of course, too many, but that’s me.
On the bright side, while best viewed in slideshow fashion, they first come up in “landscape collage,” meaning you can see all at once without going through them one by one. “Hover” your cursor over them to reveal captions.
Here are the pix: MGTD-III Slideshow
P.S. Kathi is on her way back home and about 4 hours out. I better get back to “hiding the evidence” or the next party here will be my wake!