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  1. Ooh, bright red valve covers. I feel a stirring. Must resist, must resist ...
    3 points
  2. Thanks for more good advice, docc. I have the original stalk mirror but have never had them on the bike. Your bar end mirrors look a bit more tucked in than the Napoleons that are on my bike. Interesting that you’ve taken off the Stucci fly screen and are running around nekkid again. Why go nekkid when you had a perfectly fine bikini on? I actually recently covered my front end with a matching green Stucci flyscreen that I found N.O.S. I couldn’t friggin’ believe that I found one. I like the look, for sure. Not sure how much of a difference it’s making, but it’s cool to have on the bike. Here’s little Miss Kane on the Green Goddess just after fitting the Stucci:
    2 points
  3. Kane - take a look at my ad for stock bars / mirrors in classifieds. I had bar end weights fitted (by same mechanic we talked about in the Marabese thread) when I purchased the bike - he also purchased a V11 and recommended these ... not sure of brand but they are good quality and in good condition (little used as I fitted the Magni subsequently) - and still have stock plugs for the bars if these removed. PM if interested and see if we can work something out ... and yes, promise not to ship you a pair of corks!
    2 points
  4. Docc - thanks for the kind words ... I'm so sorry to learn of the loss of your friend. It never ceases to surprise me how emotional our attachment to these, or other bikes, or things generally ... can become. I think it may also explain why so many of us have been around here for so long ... not just for the bikes, but also the people that ride them and their stories. Gio
    2 points
  5. FWIW, here is the set up on my V11 as purchased from the original owner. The left side CRG bar end mirror was unfortunately static drop tested in my driveway early on and survived with only some scratches, mostly hidden now with a bit of black touch up paint (the left turn signal was terminal). The newer CRG models seem to go for about one Benjamin a pair. I'm pretty happy with these mirrors, adjusted so my elbows take only about a quarter of the field of view. I wouldn't put up with the high rise stock mirrors or equivalent. (Hmmm, looks like the scooter needs a bath. )
    1 point
  6. The original clip-on/weight set-up really works well as long as the throttle body balance and state of tune has been seen to. I also find Italian made ProGrip SuperBike grips help. The small, convex CRG bar-end mirrors probably damp some as well. But when I had the original bar-end weights machined down for their clamps, I learned to appreciate the cost of precision machine work. I recall it was $85US "back in the day." You could just use the original mirrors, but I got tired of the view of my elbows . . . Those original "stalk" mirrors also stick up quite a lot. Taking a page from Kane's inspiration, I recently removed my long-time Stucchi flyscreen and have been really digging going nekkid again . . .
    1 point
  7. Very cool! So corks go with wine, and wine goes with pasta.......how about a west coast Guzzi run, we can call it “The Spaghetti Western Run”!
    1 point
  8. I was fortunate to encounter that clever corking, and that V11's awesome owner czakky, at a curious V11 meet-up in Tampa, Florida a few years back. czakky will have to speak for himself on the cork thing, but I found it a fabulous testimony to tasteful resourcefulness!
    1 point
  9. Thanks for bumping this old thread up. I've been on Greg's site oldtractor.com many times, for my Tontis, CalVin & Griso, but for some reason, I didn't see all the V11 material. From the instructions above, on the menu on the left and into the spine frame stuff and scroll all the way to the bottom, I found a gold mine, yahoo! Service Manual, Supplemental Manual, Parts Manual, Electrical Schematic and an Owners Manual. Watch out we're loaded for bear now,lol Tks Kelly
    1 point
  10. i did get one for the V11 le mans not a dedicated tenni man
    1 point
  11. @Czakky led the way for us to re-purpose wine cork as true and trusted V11 kit. @Kane, do you have the original V11 clip-on weights? They are excellent and can be machined to accept something like CRG bar-ends:
    1 point
  12. I think you show respect in many great ways. It shows real honor and dedication to go the extra miles (km? ) to make sure our V11 don't just get cast off, parted out, or otherwise defiled. That along with caringly placing the individual accessories and parts shows real respect. Thank you, Gio! I would have to look back at the timeline, but it was not long after we lost Luciano Marabese that we also lost brlawson. A fine gentleman I feel lucky to have met and ridden with.
    1 point
  13. Belated thanks again brlawson for this topic, although a sad one ... but a great piece of history / design - we collectively owe that man a lot I think. Based on several positive reactions / PM's to my previous post - I would certainly consider including the factory LaFranconis with my V11 as currently configured for a fellow enthusiast ... these bikes need good homes. I hope this not considered dis-respectful in any way. Gio
    1 point
  14. Installed a used set of hardcover bags I managed to find. The rack is the standard rack, but replicated in stainless as the original was corroding away. The bags are far from new but with a little anti-rain spray they'll do for that one motorbike trip a year I'll take on this (also have the Caponord with much more space).
    1 point
  15. The ECU is sold. Bill Bassett
    1 point
  16. I got a Hyperpro 460 that was 12mm longer than standard at 290mm (178mm is standard), with an adjuster that gave me +/- 5mm.
    1 point
  17. I dropped the triples about 10mm including the cap. then I raised the back about 12mm (effectively doubled by the swingarm) so about 1" total. I never considered the profile of tires in handling until I looked at mine closely, and the Contimotion has a very pointy profile in front, which I think makes it feel like the front is "searching" for the right lean angle in a turn, as the "point" breaks suddenly into the "slope" part of the tire, if this makes any sense. On lower speed turns, I often have to apply pressure to the inside bar to keep it from flopping in. When really moving I don't have this problem. One solution is to apply throttle at all times. Not very practical. I understand tires are....ahem....highly subjective. But since you also have a Sport, and the Pirellis tend toward rounder profiles, I might try a set.
    1 point
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