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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in all areas

  1. There will be a time when we all will look back on how this coronavirus pandemic has affected us all - some more so than others. This touching story about Giuseppe Berardelli and his sacrifice for another unknown younger man deserves a fitting tribute. He obviously loved his trusty red Galletto - wouldn’t it be wonderful for Moto Guzzi to aquire and display his pride & joy to their collection? A modern story for these times that will stand for decades to come as a tribute to the selfless priest and his greatest of all love. I sure would stop and ponder if I ever get to visit Mandello del Lario. https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.eternitynews.com.au/world/greater-love-72-year-old-priest-gives-up-his-respirator-to-a-younger-person-and-dies/amp/ Stay safe everyone.
    3 points
  2. Yes docc just for you A few other jobs ticked off today. Got my lower spoiler installed and made up the oil return line. Next job is to make up a remote fuel tank for tuning work. Merlin doesn't care about viruses, he's just happy his mummy and daddy are home 24/7 Ciao
    3 points
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  4. Not a Guzzi, but a classic Gilera, and she even has safety gear! ;
    2 points
  5. Glad you guys got it sorted. I have a lot springs here and can re-supply you guys later. I'm already boxing up a few shipments to have ready when I can leave my house again.
    2 points
  6. I opened up a used seat I bought from MaxV11, removed the gel pad, and inserted two sheets of Sunmate medium firm and brought much comfort to my posterior. Cradles my candy butt wonderfully. Much better than my stock seat, comfort without slip sliding away.
    1 point
  7. Stewgnu, Suspension is my current motorbike study area these days & as the kid with a new interest I'm asking everyone about that subject & often asking the questions as well. There are many books out there that illuminate the subject but my current read & recommendation for clearly explaining the subject is 'Total Control' by Lee Parks. Another useful source on YouTube is Dave Moss Tuning. Here on V11LeMans we have members who know there stuff as well, amongst others LuckyPhil & GuzziMoto. Here's a good writeup by Scud, look who the second post is from... https://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20132-setting-suspension-sag/ You've treated yourself to some top notch stuff, give it a chance to work as it should. Hell we've got the time now ! Mind you having another mate helping to measure ain't going to happen at the moment
    1 point
  8. Who knew what was on his mind - but he was certainly aware that the respirator could be used to save another life. As we age, we get tired, and ready to move on from this life. As Saint Paul wrote in his Letter to the Philippians, he longed to leave this world and go to the Father, but he agreed to remain here if there was profitable work (i.e. evangelization) for him to do. And so it may be with Fr. Berardelli. Eternal rest grant him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful deputed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
    1 point
  9. Well, there is no "correct" LED for the V11 reflectors/lenses, per se. Some throw a better beam than others, but nothing like a complete unit built for a specific LED "bulb." I've never seen that one. I am liking my current one better than my first try. I'll look for a link to that (lengthy) thread . . . [edit: So, yeah 15 page thread spanning 2 1/2 years]:
    1 point
  10. copied (stole) lowryter's post from another thread... hope this works and is ok. But she has another one just as sad. Gawd, that woman can make you cry 1 docc reacted to this Quote In the Emmy Lou video above along with Alison Krauss is Gillian Welsh. I had an affair with her music for years. Her guitar/vocal companion is David Rawlings. This is a Led Zep cover with Gillian and Led Zep's John Paul Jones. Tho this doesn't show Rawlings' tremendous guitar abilities, I thought it was a nice one mic performance. It was her music that re-invigorated my appreciation of Gram Parsons.
    1 point
  11. Cant seem to play any video posts lately,even the ones I've previously posted.........must be the corona virus. Ciao
    1 point
  12. Thanks to LowRyter for correctly quoting and attributing the paraphrase I posted on being "divided by a common language." George Bernard Shaw, one the greats! The only thing I ever understood Joey Dunlop say was, "Hed doon, arse oop."
    1 point
  13. I am always impressed with how fluent Noraly from Icthy Boots is, even on complex topics. Whenever I watch the Isle of Man, I can never understand anything when they interview those guys. Half time I can't even understand the announcers. They should use subtitles. Have you watched the film on the Dunlop bike racing family ? They are barely understandable Classic stuff !
    1 point
  14. Holy schnikies! That nice!
    1 point
  15. Hi Steve, if not already sorted PM me. I still have the one you supplied to me so better it goes to someone who needs it rather than sitting in my 'just in case' box. We can sort out a replacement slow time.
    1 point
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