I wouldn't blame the previous owner,it was a design flaw from the factory and was recalled for a couple years.If you have a black engine and ride and work on it,you're gonna have chips.The way to prevent it? Repaint it and put it up on a stand in the living room and don't touch it...I would use "textured" to describe the paint finish.But most Swedes speak better English than the average American so I wouldn't be too critical of a translation error...
I was trying to avoid heat just for the sake of the finish. Heating is sometimes the only way but it's usually in the last resort category for me. My home made tool solutions works like a charm and you can make the tool for literally $5. You need an internal puller of course but what the hell Guzziisti wouldn't have one of those:)
My home made tool works really well, truly it does:) But the secret is loading up the bearing and then impacting the bearing housing with a copper hammer or a 2lb hammer with an aluminium block to protect the swingarm. The impact shock is absolutely critical to the operation. The problem with the impact puller is mainly the fact that it's difficult to restrain the arm solidly so the energy from the impact of the slide hammer is all transferred to the bearing. Docc had the theory right but I'm still surprised the webbing wasn't too stretchy.
That I know. I read and have posted their "reconditioning" protocol. They need a minimum of 6 amps. I figure 10 will do it, if watched carefully. If I fry it, I'll just go back to Yuasa AGM, as they are not as weird and my last one lasted 9 years with no extra care required. .