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  1. Oh, by the way, based on RTV job on the selector box cover, I could safely say this "CHUCK/SCUD spring" is at least the 3rd spring to go into this bike, to include original. I imagine the guy I bought it from had problems around 18,000 miles and had to pay the shop to fix. Once that was done (paying Northern VA shop prices) he was likely motivated to deal on his asking price. Just my guess. I will forever love this bike, it is the most fun to ride of all the bikes I had. I'd be willing to put another 10 springs in it if I had to, but that will be highly unlikely with the perfection that you guys have engineered/manufactured here.
    4 points
  2. How frikkin' cool is that! Thanks for the excellent service, Gmc28!
    3 points
  3. Well.... I’m just going to leave my helmet on... the whole time. I’ll bring long straws
    2 points
  4. yes, by 'similar styles' I should have said 'same style' similar construction. As in - a riser that uses the existing bar and fork clamp and just acts as a spacer. I don't see why any of the 22mm ones wouldn't work with the stock bars. Other examples are out there to see and I can't really recommend any. Consider it experimental I would check with these guys to see if the "bars 40mm" means the fork diameter. The V11 is 54mm. The 70mm rise is 2.75in and I would guess it would require new lines. While you're asking them, see if their bars are 22mm like the V11
    1 point
  5. Those "similar" risers footgoose pictured are from ROXspeedFX. Not sure about later V11, but my early Sport was going to need extended hoses and cables to fit 2" risers . . . https://roxspeedfx.com/collections/adv-dual-sport-dirt-bike-handlebar-risers
    1 point
  6. Broke side cover down, this is what I found. Chuck and Scudd's spring installed. Everything checks out, hand worked the edge where the spring contacted selector so its rounded edge. Really excited to get her back on the road, been missing this bike since it went down. Boss on selector checked out at 14.91 mm. Guess the 2002 with 2500 miles will get same treatment when it arrives.
    1 point
  7. I don't see MPH risers with your options. I don't really know if they are still made. I had a set and did not install them as I found I like the stock config. The rise and pullback are modestly controlled by rotation. I know they can work inside the LeMans fairing without fouling. Many on the forum have used them. The best reason to use a riser of this type is retaining the lovely vibe reducing stock clip-ons. Pull one apart and look inside. The second best reason is you get to retain the unique and comfortable, classic Guzzi bar angle at the head. A lovely reach over the long V11 tank and a sight to behold... on or off the bike. Perfect wrist position for me. They came with longer hoses but I have read net info stating re-routing stock lines can get you there. I'd plan on new lines. There are other similar styles available .. anything with a 2" or so rise would likely work the same way.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I'd like to go, too, John.. and so would Dorcia. "This, too.. shall pass."
    1 point
  9. Good luck guys. Be safe, stay healthy. I know all my travel plans have fallen through this year. Haven't even taken my travel trailer out, no overnight travel, no concerts, no races. Just riding the bikes on day trips, learning how to garden again and enjoying the BBQ grill. Maybe a cigar and a scotch or two. I'd really like to go.
    1 point
  10. That’s us. Nice action pic!
    1 point
  11. Oh that’s sad news indeed. My thoughts go out to and yours Chuck.
    1 point
  12. Dorcia has had 3 UR infections within the past year, and her sister is on chemo. I don't see any travel or social interaction in the foreseeable future.
    1 point
  13. I'm down with all of that. Coffee and cake in the room then down to the garage. I'm just glad they're still having us inn. Thanks docc
    1 point
  14. So finally got a decent road test yesterday all all is good.I'm going to my grave believing the air filter breach caused all this,nothing else was amiss,replaced with a new one and she runs like a champ! Thanks all for suggestions,...
    1 point
  15. see how the 3k twill has a “grain”? While the factory stuff does not?
    1 point
  16. It's gonna be rain tomorrow, so finally time to replace the gear change pawl spring. Not sure if this guide has been posted here, but it looks good to me: https://sites.google.com/site/motoguzziv11rossocorsa/home/gearbox-pre-selector-spring Thanks for the springs, Scudder!
    1 point
  17. hey, don't forget Kansas ! "if I claim to be a wise man..... it surely means that I don't know"
    1 point
  18. Ok, that one for fun, but here is the real deal:
    1 point
  19. Anywhere someone is allowed to express their opinion. While we think of this as detrimental it's actually a key component of crowdsourcing. If you get enough people expressing their perspective you will generally come up with the best solution. But for that to happen you need a range of perspectives. Some negative, some neutral and some positive. Even the most ridiculous notion may have either have some merit or trigger some discussion that can lead to success. It's also a learning experience, no one ever learned by being 100% right all of the time. It's ok to fail, or to have a bad assumption. Too many people are afraid to speak up which is too bad because right or wrong the may contribute without knowing it.
    1 point
  20. I can send you my best guess spring if you want to do some real world testing. Right now, I'm riding (fabulous day today) and doing an annual inspection on the Colt. My lovely assistant helped me get the cowling off without damage this afternoon to start on the "powerplant" part of the inspection. 2017-11-29_08-08-00 by Charles Stottlemyer, on Flickr
    1 point
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