Yesterday was a tragic day for another motorcyclist.
I am posting this on several Guzzi sites and sent email to same effect to folks I know:
Kathi and I had gone to Lexington, Virginia, on a spur-of-the-moment anniversary getaway. She was in the Mini; I, on the EV. I got a great fall ride in; we both walked the BRP for a few miles. It’s a lovely area at near-peak fall foliage time. It was a very nice overnighter.
My return ride became a nightmare.
After I left Lexington and did a few miles on SR 39 — a great twisting delight I knew well — I turned north on SR 252. This was a “new road” for me. After a few great miles, I caught up with two cruiser riders. These guys were skilled, and it was fun following them on a road that they clearly knew well. The first guy set a fine pace and his lines through all curves were textbook examples. The second rider did the same. I did not once see a misstep; following them kept me from mistakes, too.
Then, just after we had all topped a hill with a right-hand curve, and were through that turn, the second rider inexplicably went off the road into a ditch, was tossed from the motorcycle, became a flailing rag-doll, and hit a telephone pole. He was alive when I got to him, but unconscious.
His buddy — they appeared to be in their ’50’s, and had known each other since the third grade — was composed but understandably distraught. The downed rider died before EMS and LEO’s arrived.
I should add that all Augusta County first responders — the state trooper (in charge of the scene); deputy sheriffs; and EMS personnel — were at the scene in astonishing times and were all very professional.
Yes, the unfortunate rider wore a helmet, but no ATGATT — “All The Gear All The Time” for non-motorcyclists getting this; Kathi and I always wear it, plus Helite airbag vests. That said, I doubt that any amount of protective gear would have saved him.
Difficult to “unsee" or forget that afternoon.
Here's the brief news story and "not graphic" pix of mine of the aftermath. The second pic shows the hill, curve, ditch, pole, and ruts from the motorcycle’s entry. I can only speculate that he had a medical event or fell into the “target fixation” trap.
How quickly an otherwise great day on a motorcycle can become a sad afternoon on a country road.
P.S. Yes, of course, I will continue to ride, but add this experience to my reasons to be vigilant.