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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Press to start and "nothing" can simply be the Clutch Safety Switch "bullet" connectors under the left side of the tank. They are notorious for locking out the start function. Sometimes, this can be confirmed by holding in the clutch lever while keeping the start button pressed and rotating the bars back and forth. If the starter suddenly catches, it is likely a bad connection at those flinky bullet connectors.
    3 points
  2. Maybe a little better...
    3 points
  3. This might be a little better...
    2 points
  4. This flange gasket almost never leaks, its some sort of hard plastic material. Its not an oring BTW but a square section and around 2mm thick. I've had them on and off many times with the same gasket used and never an issue. Check to make sure your fuel tap body isn't cracked. I had a new fuel tap body leaking in the open position and thought it was the seals. Turned out to be a hairline crack in the body itself. The crappy Nitrile seals swell so much that eventually opening and closing them with pliers with the seals half jamming cracks the body as the body is less than 1mm wall section in some places. This cracked tap was fine until I closed it and then months later refitted the tank opened the valve and its leaking. ciao
    1 point
  5. You need to install a Go-Winkie light, it will tell you you have a fault and as you go through the sensors it will tell you when you touch the bad connection. Hot is a broad term, too hot to touch?
    1 point
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