I ordered a few of these today - nicest design I've seen so far. They have 80 other items with this design, from sweatshirts to duvet covers (surprise the wife!): https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Moto-Guzzi-100-Years-by-GuzzistaVikings/69960271.JCQM3?ref=product-title&utm_campaign=2019_orderconfirmation_transactional_en&utm_medium=email&utm_source=RB&utm_term=44567697
Roger to all of that.
BTW, took my Stornello out yesterday for my first ride of 2021. As TR was wont to say, "Deeeeeeligghtful."
A (few) more pix here if inclined (and bored ) ... Stornello's First Ride of 2021!