Since buying the bike, I have been making small changes that better suit me. Motobits pegs are in a box, as are the H&B bags and rack. Brought the bars down, added some Ken Sean bar-end mirrors and adjustable shorty levers. LED headlamp and signals - the taillight was LED when I bought it. But the Staintunes were at the stock height and width - good for passengers and bags, but a little vulnerable in slow maneuvering and backing. So, examining the lead-in pipe, it appeared to me that the cans could be slid a little further onto the X-over and then the entire unit rotated up and in at the rear. Did a test repositioning and it looked plausible. Kinda mid-mount. This pic shows the difference.
For hangers, what I settled on were some M5 stainless marine closed body turnbuckles. Rated at 900 Kg/1980 Lbs, I figured they were up to the task of suspending a 4 Lb can. A little cutting, grinding, heating and bending, enlarging the mount holes from M5 in stages to M7.5 and hand filing with a round file so an M8 bolt would just slip through, leaving a bit more meat around the bolts. Then dug out the white buffing compound and shined them up.
Snugged them up and the install leaves the bike looking a little cleaner, and lighter (almost ANYTHING will do that!). A less homely rear hugger is next. Overall, I'm pleased and I can even hear the music slightly better now.