Tire shops, like most service businesses in the U.S., are hamstrung by insurance regulation and litigious customers; if they don't follow manufacturer's protocol they open themselves to lawsuits. Wal-Mart will not install single tires. No brake shop will pad your old rotors without at least turning them. No alignment shop will touch your car without nearly new tires. The list is infinite. Tire manufacturers 'recommend' installing new tire pairs, for instance, only on the rear of front-drive cars. WTF? Simple- front tires wear faster, so they get that second pair more quickly. Air conditioning compressor manufacturers require replacement, not cleaning, of other components or your warranty is void. The service environment is engineered to maximize the fleecing, whether it be your fleece by the service agent, or their fleece by the lawyers and regulators.
These are what economists call 'unwanted ingredients', and you pay for them everywhere.