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  1. I have a few OEM used ones, that can be had for 40£ each + shipping. I went for Shindengen 847, working great, connects directly to the battery so no strain to the electrical system. Roadstercycle in CA. Cheers Tom.
    2 points
  2. Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello "Aviazione Navale"...livrea caccia F-35B https://www.ansa.it/canale_motori/notizie/due_ruote/2022/09/21/marina-e-guzzi-presentano-la-v100-mandello-aviazione-navale_47d4bd9c-9386-40b7-9179-7a2ec11b4496.html
    2 points
  3. Of course they want to see it. Everybody wants te see it.😀 There is a rumour out there about supersonic shifting.
    2 points
  4. One valuable time consuming lesson I've learned.. : Never try matching up carbon weave. You'll pull your hair out (if you still have any). My Scura carbon barely matched from the factory.. 🤣 Now I have Stucchi, M4, and some other stuff. It's all different.. Still looks good but you know it ain't factory. Guzzi had to of used 100s of different carbon weaves through the years.
    1 point
  5. The stator upgrade is still the OEM replacement from that supplier, but with improved strain relief and heat shielding.
    1 point
  6. Hi. Thanks Docc and Speedfrog. So my understanding from Docc is that your suggestion for regulator would be a direct replacement, but that you also upgraded the stator as well? I think I will isolate the battery next time I'm charging the battery. Sounds like a sensible precaution. I wonder if any fellow UK siders have found a reliable source?
    1 point
  7. I've been using this combination all along. Although, I must emphasize that I monitor the static voltage as my bike sits and properly charge/ "condition" the PC545 when the discharge reaches 80% (12.65v) as per Odyssey's instructions. IIRC, I was fitting a new regulator at about 30,000 miles until I grounded the case and started being diligent with the battery conditioning. FWIW, I also isolate the regulator while using a charger. This procedure has been often stated as unnecessary, but my 30 amp circuit breaker makes it easy for me to do and I figure it can't hurt.
    1 point
  8. Been there , done that . On a BRAND new pair of boots !
    1 point
  9. The first thing I think of here is "crash bars" for the cylinders? ... still liking that side exhaust look though. (But it will never replace my love of the V11!)
    1 point
  10. Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello "Aviazione Navale"...livrea caccia F-35B https://www.ansa.it/canale_motori/notizie/due_ruote/2022/09/21/marina-e-guzzi-presentano-la-v100-mandello-aviazione-navale_47d4bd9c-9386-40b7-9179-7a2ec11b4496.html
    1 point
  11. Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello "Aviazione Navale"...livrea caccia F-35B https://www.ansa.it/canale_motori/notizie/due_ruote/2022/09/21/marina-e-guzzi-presentano-la-v100-mandello-aviazione-navale_47d4bd9c-9386-40b7-9179-7a2ec11b4496.html
    1 point
  12. I see there is some consideration of using Kevlar. My recommendation would be not to, based on some experience about 25 years ago when i worked as a design engineer for an airline, and we had new Airbus A320 aircraft that had Kevlar in many of the the belly panel. The environment in this location subjects them to hydraulic oil and Skydrol from leaks as well as a lot of water and humidity. The panels absorbed oils into the the panel from the edges where they were trimmed during production, using the Kevlar to wick into the panel saturating the core material and turning the ridged panels to mush. Airbus ended up having to replace all the belly panels with Kevlar with new Carbon fiber or fiberglass panels on the early serial number planes that had them. Cost a fortune. The original design goal of the Kevlar was for durability.
    1 point
  13. I've got a Shoei GT Air with pinlock fitted fulltime. Couldn't live with out it. With glasses at least only 1 surface is fogging up not 2. What does everyone use to clean their visors? I use hot soapy water then spray outside with Ipone so rain beads off - Rain Repellent VISOR RAINOFF | IPONE .
    1 point
  14. The seat cowlings look good. I'll take em.. 😃👍
    1 point
  15. TALLY POST So, @Chuck, I'll continue to update the post with inquiries about the Next Latest Batch : @KenBlake @RichP (Oct 5, 2022) @roktbox @Tinus89 (Oct 13, 2022) @guzzi323 @Scud ( # ? ) (Oct 14, 2022) @Gmc28 (Oct 22, 2022) That is 12 ( if Scud wants to bank 6) . No one has ever been sorry they added this to their V11. And to think the first post on this thread was six years ago. Who said people on the interwebs have a short attention span?
    1 point
  16. Just once on the Interstate and I was glad to have it. haha
    1 point
  17. Actually if I could of been bothered I would of described it as a magical device that relies on the catalytic effects of wishful thinking and it's interaction with traces of powdered unicorn horn within the device to completely f*ck up the fueling and contribute to greatly accelerated engine wear but I couldn't so I won't.........
    1 point
  18. What that actually means in PeteParlance: "Those arsed-crappers are for knuckle-dragging shaved-apes that couldn't get an antelope fart into their intake without squeezing it through their nose. " [I may have paraphrased a bit, there . . . ]
    1 point
  19. Isn't this the correct metal gasket from MGCycle? And we have confirmed they can be reused? https://www.mgcycle.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=170_174&products_id=4634
    1 point
  20. Get Valpolini head cover gaskets, problem gone. Is MG cycle a resource in the US ? otherwise I get them from Valpolini in Italy. Cheers Tom.
    1 point
  21. It works. I'm not sure what the hassle is? The pinlocks are preinstalled on Shoei helmets. I suppose that you could bugger the shield in your AGV by spacing the holes wrong?
    1 point
  22. Well Phil, why don't you spell them out for the stupid among us? Listen, everyone tolerates your irascibility because you know your stuff, but you would do well to internalize the fact that you're not some oracle of knowledge. I doubt that there's anything you know about brake calipers that I don't, and that I simply stated the core purpose without flinging academia and gratuitous erudition to people who haven't asked and probably don't care. Let's not turn this place into Wildguzzi, ok? Slow your roll.
    1 point
  23. BTW, every other CF part on my Tenni is also 1x1 weave except for the hugger. 1x1 looks like a checker board. 2x2 looks like diagonal blocky lines. 1x1 is also called plain weave, and 2x2 is sometimes called twill weave.
    1 point
  24. Just realized looking at pics online that Tenni doesn't appear to have any CF from factory. I bought my Tenni with all the CF bits. Side cover I believe to be an MG product, judging from sticker. It appears to be 1x1 weave. But, my Mistral mufflers are very clearly -- like Docc's -- 2x2 weave.
    1 point
  25. Note that these pieces are prototypes, not final product. There are a few rough edges, holes are not yet holes, and I presume the CF was laid a bit quickly. Even with the final product, you will know that this is hand-laid fiber. To me, that's a plus -- and similar to the rest of the CF bits on my bike. If you're not okay with that, walk away. First up, a pic of the humps: Prototype at north. Note that this was an attempt to replicate the more satin finish of the vacuum-method pieces. I am not a fan. Next up, the side cover. Original on right. If people want these, we should figure out what to do about the depression for the gummy stickers (wanted or not). Next, a close up of the samples of the Kevlar weaves. They are leaning against the prototype side panel with regular 2x2 CF weave.
    1 point
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