I want to get onto that as well. Maybe I'll get around to it one day...
In the mean time...
My V11 Le Mans has the hiccough, and I haven't been able to do the "decent tune-up" yet, so it is still there.
The Le Mans is a 2002 Model. My Breva 750 IE is a 2005 Model. It has (apparently) the same problem. I must admit, I messed up the "decent tune-up" on the Breva a bit. I messed around with both of the bypass screws, and one should only mess around with one, as I learned afterwards.
Anyway, disregarding that for a minute: since it has got cooler here (autumn...), the Breva runs extremely badly in exactly that 2.800 - 3.100 r.p.m. range.
I reckon it's probably a conspiracy. Luigi doesn't like cold weather (understandably...), and consequently didn't spend enough time setting up the motor for cooler conditions. Or something like that ...