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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2023 in Posts

  1. Mission accomplished! The connector between the output wires to the spade connectors was the culprit on my bike. No need to replace the regulator. I redid the spade connectors on the pigtail connector, hit up everything with Caig brand cleaners, then Vaseline and did some voltage checks. Standing Odyssey battery voltage was at 13.1, then on start up, when run up to about 2500 showed a charge of high 13's to max 14.1. I ended up getting one of the Battery Tender brand plug in voltmeters, and checked it against my hand held, so it looks like a nice "peace of mind" item to get some easy readings with. Thanks everyone with the great input, suggestions and help!
    3 points
  2. As noted by others, Curtis was responsive to the phone call, once he was reached. Issue resolved!
    2 points
  3. I'll add the argument that if there is no mechanical damage in your engine, your filter has little to do anyway; the narrow sump filter is upside-down, so it should drain most of the oil back into the sump to be drained at change. On my internal-filter bikes, I don't bother to change the filter every time.
    2 points
  4. x = cross r = racing s = street Honda: cb = city bike xt = 4 stroke trail xr = 4 stroke competition Suzuki GSXR = Grand Sport eXperimental- Racing RR = race replica
    2 points
  5. Doc's observations are the most relevant. All the blocks essentially have the same oil gallery layout from the late 850T to the last of the Cali 1400's. For it to WORK you could basically bolt any old shit on there and it will do the job as far as a sump for holding the slimy stuff goes. The problem is the physical dimensions and the other parts involved. As already mentioned there is the matter of the width of the 'Broad Sump' spacer as illustrated above. Other things to consider would be the need to buy the associated oil filter and OPRV mounting scaffolding and the fact you would have to add an oil cooler and/or provision for a bypass to return the oil to the circuit if the thermostat kicks in. I don't believe the Quota's used an oil cooler? Then there is the issue of oil pick-up exposure, but being a five speed this probably isn't a huge concern but I'd be tempted to fit a sloppage sheet if I was doing this on something like a Quota. If dropping the sump is really such a chore there are alternatives. As well as the one mentioned above Harper's have made an 'Outsider' extension for years but I don't know if it would foul the Quota exhaust or, alternatively, you could simply use the sump and filter/OPRV mount off a California 1400 or post 2015 Griso. This last option will not only give you an easily replaceable filter but a lower profile sump making it more sensible if you are mad enough to actually take a Quota to anywhere it's going to use its full suspension travel! I personally never had an issue with removing the sump at filter change time in 30+ years of riding bikes with the system. I just thought it was *Normal* and the way it was. It's only 18 M6 bolts for heavens sakes. It's scarcely akin to the Labours of Hercules!
    2 points
  6. I’ll recheck tomorrow, I’ve run it up to 2000 rpm and the voltage doesn’t exceed 13.9
    1 point
  7. I’ve just given it a clean and fitted it correctly and it works….hurray! Thanks again Docc
    1 point
  8. Givi supply a ring to suit V11's See VNA's post
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the pictures!
    1 point
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