Flying, It’s like everything else in life…. Requires some degree of natural skill, and then experience to compliment that skill set.
if someone doesn’t have the basic skill set, it will not ultimately work out well. If they don’t have or acquire experience, same problem.
plenty of skilled folks, “naturals”, who don’t learn from experience, and bad things happen. Or folks who manage to amass a lot of experience and survive by luck (or thanks to all the systems now available to pilots which make things safer), but without the natural skill set they are still not a great option as a PIC (pilot in command).
to complicate it more, there are the very distinctly different skill sets involved: “stick and rudder” skills, akin to riding skills, and then there’s “instrument flying/competence skillset”, which is more like a video game skill set. Different parts of the brain. Bush pilots need stick and rudder skills, airline pilots just need the instrument skills, but the best pilots have both. I’ve come across plenty of airline pilots who were truly horrible pilots, but survived with the instrument skills and in an airline environment designed wisely over the decades to minimize risk via lots of amazing systems.
Oh, and the final major issue is ego…. Male pride is the most common issue, but the American dream BS of “if you can dream it you can do it” ideology is just as bad at causing people to think they can do what they either can’t or shouldn’t.
same for operating cars 😏, motorbikes, welding, surgery, etc