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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi, your setup, especially modifying the airbox, is counterproductive. Removing the lid and snorkels decreases air throughput itself and the makes for unsteady airflow. Numerous benchmarks have shown that the original X-pipe is overall the best one. Anyway, attached the latest version of the BIN I'm working on. After having started logging AFR left/right, rpm and TPS several years ago using Innovate LM2, which is highly unsuited for the job, I recently installed the Zeitronix ZT2/ZT3 equipment and began relogging. Much more accurate, though the data analysis software sucks. The latest version is attached. My setup is mostly original except for TI exhausts (will move back to stock as the are much to loud), modified butterfly valves and shafts, original airbox with bell-formed entrance of the snorkels. The butterfly mod is the most likely to impact the usability of my BIN with other bikes. Your setup will likely result in a richer mixture and decreased AFR. Just try it. However, the BIN might be useful as base for your own tuning, as I corrected several of the (faulty) original trim tables - baro, engine/air temp. The BIN is optimized for 0.25mm valve play, both exhaust and intake. It's absolutely essential that the TPS is set to 157mV. Not 150mV, as commonly suggested, that value is the result of wrong rounding in the TPS lookup tables converting mV to degree in the BIN. Both bypass screws completely closed. Synchronisation in idle only via the TPS stop screws (this needs to be done carefully, as it depends on leveraging the looseness in the connections), sync procdure at higherr pms is unchanged. CO trim set to 0. The AFR target values I selected are based on the vacuum in the intake tract. Rich in areas where the throttling effect is low, leaner in areas with higher throttle losses. The lowest hanging fruit is to sync AFR values in as many breakpoints which can be reached while street riding or test bench. Actual AFR values, unless there's a serious lean/reach situation, have much less impact. Avoid stochiometric AFRs. While the V11 engine works reasonably well in closed loop (15RC) at 14.3, it doesn't run well at even slightly leaner AFRs. Cheers Meinolf v11 3.6.2024.bin
    5 points
  2. A good ole Italian tune up.... They work wonders for both man and machine!
    2 points
  3. They forgot the final line in the add. "The bold way to make time" in the workshop up to your arse in oil and broken engine parts"
    2 points
  4. Ah! Someone who understands how bad it is (was) when The Creek rise (up) . . .
    2 points
  5. Hey there All, I am getting things together for the XX gathering. This morning I connected the 02 Lemans to my laptop and ran DIAG to make sure every thing was up to spects. Installed a freshened up set of iridium side gaped spark plugs. Changed the brake, clutch and trans fluids, also checked engine oil that was just changed not so long ago. I believe that I am good to go, keeping my fingers crossed. Am bringing the lap top, all cables, charger, manometer, fan, spare 02 Scura ECU, and misc.(possible Test & Tune event) I had two others ditch on me (won't say who), so coming solo this time but that's ok because I know I'll be in good company. See all of you then. SKIP
    1 point
  6. Hi, you might want to use this XDF. I've restarted investigating the 15M/RC code some time ago and updated the XDFs as well. Not finished by far, but more comments and naming of previously unknown scalars/tables. Cheers Meinolf 15M_GuzziDiag_V3.0.xdf
    1 point
  7. We can be certain it is nothing between us and Uranus.
    1 point
  8. Something about that friggin purple with grey with the V11 that is sexy..
    1 point
  9. Very retro and quaint. Those are the sort of pegs I used to make 30 years ago and felt they were very cool. Then CNC machining arrived and it all changed. No longer could we spend a several hours at the lathe, mill, bandsaw and linisher and come up with "cool" and special, the world moved on. Here's a set of pegs from my 1198 that are about 14 years old. This is how fast it all changed in around 8 years. These cost far less than the bespoke ones we made manually back in the late 90's and early 2000's as well. I wish someone would make this level of beauty these days for the V11. It takes CNC. I could spend the rest of my life at the mill and never be able to achieve this.
    1 point
  10. @docc is correct😂 I did suggest that some leather gloves maybe fitting for their social media video shoots, but those model ladies are hard to convince of anything. Luckily they insisted on the Moto Guzzi V11. They passed on the CBX, the Stelvio, the VF1000R, a Ducati & Norton 850 that I had available. Even though they do not know anything about motorcycles, they said it represented the “style” they were looking for. I was thinking to suggest @docc’s idea, but didn’t! The Halloween costume photos they showed me as a Policewomen and Nurse (they are 2 cousins) were great !
    1 point
  11. Indeed it is. Can't be New Zealand, though. I can't see a single sheep...
    1 point
  12. 1 point
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