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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2024 in Posts

  1. My entire adult riding life subscribed to Cycleworld, Rider, Etc... came across this and thought I should share the memories......... Available in many formats, whether articles, ads, reviews, etc. Enjoy! https://magazine.cycleworld.com/search?exactphrase=true&QueryTerm=Moto+Guzzi&start=40&rows=20&DocType=Image&Sort=null&SortOrder=null&startdate=1962-02-01&enddate=2022-10-01&LastViewIssueKey=&LastViewPage=
    4 points
  2. If Guzzi made a modern V8 version of their V8 GP bike I would for sure buy one, as long as I financially could afford it. If for no reason other then how cool it would sound.
    2 points
  3. Mate, I'd doubt my Greenie would be in the same league as the mighty Scura with her High comp pistons and Mike Rich headwork plus Stucchi and breathing mods if I remember correctly.... but I'm not too fussed about the actual numbers these days, just happy she's running well and strong. I've been more focused on the suspension and handling to tell the truth! This is the first Guzzi I've owned so don't have much experience to compare but can say that after owning her for 14 or so years I still love it .... Jeezuz they get under your skin! Cheers
    2 points
  4. Mine was running when I put it away...
    2 points
  5. Under the rainbow...a Scura takes a breather. Wonderful day riding today...a few refreshing storms, some nice sunshine and then a beautiful rainbow!
    2 points
  6. You should get in touch with Mike Haven and ask him what he downloaded into my Le Mans as the 3k cough has completely vanished! He said he used a map tailored for my Staintune exhaust pipes. He did also install a new map on my Quota. From what I understood, he gets all his maps from a guy in Australia who is supposedly well known. I can't remember the guy's name. You are welcome if you want to upload that map from my ECU and use it on yours! The difference from before has been incredible.
    1 point
  7. The poor connection is responsible for the burnt fuse. That has to be looked at as either the cause or the effect or both. A buddy of mine was working on a Allmand light plant with a no charge condition . One of the two large wires going from the alternator to the regulator had 4 ohms more resistance than the other. He ran new wires from the alt. to the reg. and cured the charging problem. I don't think the "congregation" understands how critical EVERYTHING is and how important every step is to fixing this condition. It will be simple once it is corrected.
    1 point
  8. Yessir, I am hoping that dedicated topic will lead to a resolution and may inform us why that charging wiring back to the battery gets so hot!
    1 point
  9. Different dyno, different circumstances, (We’re about 800m above sea level.). Most Dyno operators like to stick a finger on the scales because people want bragging rights. I’m not saying that is the case with your experience but I’ve ridden a lot of ‘Hot’ Guzzis and I’m afraid that most of them tell a similar story, despite dyno charts, receipts for work or anything else. I’m not doubting you or your enjoyment of your bike I’m just saying I won’t believe it until I plant my corpulent arse on the seat and pull the go handle. You may note I never make any unusual claims for 8V’s I’ve been involved in making as good as they can be? That’s because they are what they are. The V11 motor is very hard to pull a lot more reliable performance out of. That’s what makes ‘The Mighty Scura’ such an extraordinary bike. But as I said, its peak power is probably not much more than a stocker. But its rideability is extraordinary! I had nothing to do with its build, I just owned it and had a very memorable trip across the USA on it. If your bike is like it you’re a very lucky man.
    1 point
  10. Days away to SSR XX . . . mySport is wiped down and battery "conditioned." All the boxes are ticked, plus a few that had to be decisively left alone. "Set down the tools, docc, and step away from the Sport !!", (Waddington said). Parc fermé . . .
    1 point
  11. Well, I had a green V11 Sport and I had a Griso for a while, what more could I ask for? Perhaps the V8 racer, it would be fun to roll up for coffee on that.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for checking, how about now? Added the remaining relays for a little more clarity.
    1 point
  13. You Guys are more than fantastic!!! Its clear that miss Guzzi is showing discontentment after 1 year of negligence in more than one way.... Plan of action: 1. Load test battery / replace; If its good, I'll next test the starter (run a temporary wire from the spade connector on the solenoid and touch it on battery Positive); If the battery its bad: that would probably be mean we have a running engine with a fresh battery; 2. do the ignition cleaning - perhaps that will make the headlight turn off after shutting of ignition and will fix the neutral dash light all together. Hope the storage owner allows me to do some tinkering at his place – but what could be possibly more fulfilling than that!? Wishing you a great day + THANKS! Vins
    1 point
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