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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2024 in all areas

  1. The carbon guards for the Ohlins forks are different mounting to the Marzocchi forks. The carbon Marzocchi front guards fit all the variations from 40-43mm dia. Phil
    3 points
  2. I have a cf front mudguard on my Ballabio it was new old stock for a rosso Mandello, the only model with marzocchi forks with a cf mudguard, the bike is for sale if you want the mudguard but you’ll have to buy the bike
    3 points
  3. That's what I like about this membership forum; there are always people willing to provide good advice. Many thanks for all your helpful replies.
    2 points
  4. You are correct, the calliper bracket has been reduced in width on the OB side. Here's the std width. Phil
    2 points
  5. Cant get out of the Heart Groove....especially when they are playing my Favorite bands music..:-)
    2 points
  6. Love-me some HEART ! I blame @KINDOY2 for the rabbit hole . . . No surprise it landed on an awesome bass player . . .
    2 points
  7. I hope this one last! https://www.motobello-oc.com/
    1 point
  8. Checking the voltage right now would be fruitless. I rode the bike to visit a friend, who incidentally owns a relay tester (relay checked out fine). I went to leave after some time. Put key in the on position and waited for the relay to do its prolonged thing before the pump finally primed. Went to start and it just turned over. Turns out I had no spark. Related? I have no idea. Got a ride home and came back with truck and trailer, taking a ride of shame home. Further research will have to wait until I have time to pull the tank and lay eyes on the coil. On another note, the voltage at the relay has always matched that of the battery. Battery is low right now because of prolonged attempts to start the bike.
    1 point
  9. Classic Startus Interuptus?
    1 point
  10. eBay/The Netherlands: https://www.ebay.com/itm/132409184322?_skw=01635840&itmmeta=01JANM0DQRP1GDP3G61PJXHHKJ&hash=item1ed433d042:g:KwkAAOSwa5ZkWdpd&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnF3fEyiANuiVHgO0tD9H2AZ9gy%2BJA36acy8CIMa9W2bkhQn85DwUnLBo3KOJmbdg6PA%2FfWsZW5niOgb6PjJH9TqZOy3aP2jNdUpRc%2B3zumGn1J9yWVrQ1uAfP22V9jqg%2BTq4EoLqAO9y0vWUuDC5bKHQjRtGLCZlaTyYJLcGIhwhAWOf%2BeA2mlfetk8MAOBJ2A4%2Bs5cDrTxsYqACxRWQocf%2BXoETcKWoOmsTk36VFDusfFLwXMdfVD7awfvlDTnZZSUDGDmmcZE85VIvmczrVf|tkp%3ABFBM9tuBtNVk Image: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KwkAAOSwa5ZkWdpd/s-l960.webp
    1 point
  11. It looks like Texas Chainsaw Massacre worked on that bracket .
    1 point
  12. Thanks for this. You seem to have confirmed my suspicion and solved the mystery of the missing millimetres!
    1 point
  13. I don't think so, but would have to look at the bike to be really sure. @docc 's photo seems to answer your questions clearly, though. Here is a link to a parts list. The relevant exploded drawings for all the parts you listed are unfortunately not all on one page, but if you leaf through it, you can piece together what should be in there. https://guzzitek.org/parts_list/gb/1100/V11LM_2002_062011_PL(GB).pdf If you want other documantation, here is the "front page" of the site: https://guzzitek.org/gb/accueil_gb.htm
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Yeah, it's gaining popularity here too mate... But then again anything American will eventually thrive here too! You're right about it's pagan / Celtic origins. It seems to have originated from the Celtic tradition of Samhain. Funny in that I have an Irish background and the concept was never even mentioned let alone celebrated and agree that it's another moneymaking endeavour.... Still if the neighbourhood kids enjoy it then no harm done. Cheers
    1 point
  16. Halloween seems to be gaining popularity in Germany, although it has absolutely nothing to do with the culture here. As far as I can tell, it is probably a pagan Gaelic festival that was "christianised" by the early christian movement. Its modern day increasing popularity here can only be ascribed to commercialism.
    1 point
  17. I think Hallmark is pretty dead too.... Having spent countless hours perfecting my handwriting at school, using nibs in holders, having ink included in desks, nobody uses pens any longer. The cards that I receive have printed words, and if I am lucky, there is a hand drawn signature on it. Even documents are no longer requiring hand signature. You can sign electronically, and it is just as good. I am fighting that lost battle anyway. I have gone back to paying by check as I can't stand having to enter codes to confirm its me before I can log in. I have to pay an extra six dollars to receive my insurance card on paper since I refuse to download the insurance's application on my phone. I don't want to be bound by my phone for just everything, because I often go out without it. My last flight to Phoenix Az to go to Sedona, I had to pay extra to print my boarding pass. I paid for the flight, but that does not include a boarding pass? next it will be the luggage tags that you will need to pay for? What a formidable world we live in!!! thank god I can get out of all that on my Guzzi...
    1 point
  18. Got it! 🙋🏽‍♂️. Bringing it up the border to 🇨🇦. Took me 4 years to find one! Now will need all your help to sort it.
    1 point
  19. https://flic.kr/p/2qosp9u Ho trovato questo vecchio video del 2006, girato in Valtellina 😅 avevo da poco montato gli scarichi special!
    1 point
  20. This alternator in the video (i s a conventional alternator) is a 3phase output and the v11 is a pancake or single phase system. you have two wires coming from the stator. Do yourself a favor and repair this 30a fuse connection . Remove enough factory wiring to get to a good unburnt section of wiring harness and install a quality CB and quality wiring and connectors. This advice now goes to EVERYONE on this forum . Stop buying this Amazon / eBay Chinese junk . I don't care if you can buy this stuff for any amount of money. If you flew aircraft would you purchase a reman component for $35 v $600 because you saved money ? I am not 30 yrs old any more and I am not pushing a bike to the next exit.
    1 point
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