At this point, it's a 2008 Norge, so I'm not worried about paint's already old. The paint has some chips, some wear and tear as expected for a bike of this age. At one point about 7 years ago, I thought about taking all of the Silver parts off, and taking them to a painter. 1/2 way thru the removal of the parts, I realized that getting all of the remaining parts off would be a monster task.
So a wrap is much easier to do from an application perspective vs. removing parts and painting them. Even if the wrap degrades a bit over time, that's OK. The bike is housed in the garage, and only open to the weather on many trips...I would need to see if the quality of the vinyl wrap is good enough and also what the cost is...I don't have a quote yet, but I think it would be a lot easier to do a wrap than painting/disassemble.
The painting quote was also not reasonable vs. the value of the I am hopeful that a wrap might be more economical...we'll see! At any rate, it's not a I can be a little less concerned about quality.