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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2025 in all areas

  1. I installed a Roper plate recently and found it was not a very big project. Make sure to have the needed two upper sump gaskets and one lower sump gasket on hand ( if you are going to install with gaskets), and I got a spare of each just in case one would get damaged. Lucky I ordered the extra as one arrived at dealer torn due to being poorly packaged by Piagio. The gaskets are inexpensive. With the extra thickness of the Roper plate and one extra upper gasket I found it necessary to modify the side stand mount by making the two bolt holes slightly oval and to provide clearance for the the bolt heads to accommodate the repositioned bolt location in the fitting. I used a Dremel with grinder bit. See photo of modified fitting in Gallery Pictures. Also slightly trimmed back to allow fitting to move down to align bolt holes. I thought it was best to ensure the slightly repositioned fitting is not putting any different side loads on the cam case or sump. Link to images
    4 points
  2. It sais 1100 Sport / Daytona, so you should be good. https://rebootspares.com/spares.php Pete Morcombe has a 1100 Sport breaker. Maybe he can help out? (Englishman based in France) I've bought some parts from him in the past; a thrustworthy address.
    3 points
  3. Your '17 and my '12. I would like to get the new Stelvio also but like the air cooled simplicity. Plus I haven't seen a color that I love.
    2 points
  4. Have you tried comparing the part numbers? With fairings and such it can be a little confusing, because different colours have different part numbers. The stuff "under the skin" generally has the same number if it is the same part. It looks like you can get the parts lists that are relevant to you here (scroll down to 1000 and 1100) https://guzzitek.org/f/parts_list_f.htm#gb
    1 point
  5. Thanks for those pictures, and the report. I've got a plate here waiting to go in. Hope I can get on to it (and the other pending tasks) towards the end of winter when it is a little bit warmer in the unheated garage / workshop.
    1 point
  6. Whenever I see things like that I always think there has to be something wrong with the bike? I mean? It’s a Harley, it’s got a wheelbase a mile long, its rake and trail figures are enormous, it’s travelling on a seemingly smooth road and it’s not even going very fast! Even shitty motorbikes don’t usually go bonkers if their fundamentals are sound. Tyre pressures, steering head bearings, swingarm and wheel bearings etc.
    1 point
  7. It's just a video of a Harley going into a speed wobble on a straight piece of freeway and spitting it's rider off. You see far worse get offs in every MotoGP race. The reasoning makes this amusing. Just search "Harley death wobble" on youtube. Phil
    1 point
  8. Thanks to @audiomick for posting the Tank Off Maintenance Checklist. There is also this compendium of potential tasks to consider:
    1 point
  9. An Australian accent, of course. I reckon most Germans can hear that I am not a native German speaker. Funnily enough, when I have spoken about it with various people, the most common guess is that I am from the Netherlands. Having paid attention to the way Dutch speaker sound when speaking German, I can understand that. There really are similarities to my accent. There are not many Australians here, so most Germans have never conciously heard an Australian speaking German. On the other hand, most Germans have conciously heard Dutch speakers speaking German, so they go for the familiar "best guess". I still chuckle though, because I know my Australian accent is pretty obvious to those who are familiar with it. And that isn't going to change. I speak and write very servicable German, but I am Australian, and I am quite content with that being obvious. Incidentally, when I speak English with my family, and certain friends, my Australian accent is also very obvious. But given that Australian English is the only variety of Eglish in the world that has remained pure and unadulterated, that's ok.
    1 point
  10. You can put me down for one. No problem waiting for a critical mass of takers.
    1 point
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