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4 points
"Yeo, standin' at the crossroad, tried to flag a ride Ooo, eee, I tried to flag a ride Didn't nobody seem to know me, babe, everybody pass me by" - Robert Johnson3 points
Found something different, but worth a listen. OTTA Orchestra; from Russia. The band members are exclusively female, among the rest of the orchestra. All the songs are written by the directing/piano lady. I like that they dress formally. I am a bit bumed out by all those new female musicians showing much more flesh than talent.3 points
Does SKF offer sockets for these nuts ? NVM , I found them. They are found under tools. They are hook spanners .3 points
3 points
You are at the lowest common denominator of music . I bought (25 yrs ago) the box set that had all of his recordings. It took a while to get accustomed to. I do understand how important Robert was/is to all music.2 points
2 points
Ha ha I remember the Volvo and old men in hats scenario from the 80's here in Melbourne well.... Bloody hell I wear a hat myself now....BUT not whilst driving I promise!!! And I've never even been in a Volvo, geez I feel a cold sweat coming on.....2 points
Grew up driving Volvos. My dad taught my brother and me to drive manual transmission by putting a pack of cigarettes on the dash and making us start on a hill without knocking down the cigs. Ist car: 1962 Volvo PV 544. Still have dreams of driving her..2 points
We had on in recently that had done the same thing with the retainer nuts on the intermediate shafts. The nuts and lock washers are standard SKF items. SKF can supply a socket for tightening/removing them as well but I have a complete set for all the Tonti/V11/CARC nuts made for me by Rolf Halverson twenty or more years ago. They’ve been a godsend. Michael has inherited them now.2 points
Rolf is well. I bought his Coppa Italia. He stops by when seeing his son/family further south west. Cheers Tom.1 point
We were just a bit after you in the line up. My Dad had a 66,67,68 122S station wagon all at the same time. He loved Volvo’s and had a friend with a Saab dealership. I learned to drive on these Volvos as a kid and had the 68 model until my mid 20’s! Rebuilt them completely at times as needed. We later added a 73 145 that my dad bought from the factory in Goteborg and brought it back home to California. Years later my Mom bought a 1982 245 DL. All 5 station wagons and all 5 stick shift. They were slow but reliable and super easy to work on and roomy. The newer ones are reasonably stylish but never enough to want to buy another one.1 point
GU12717600 https://harpermoto.com/search?q=GU12717600&options[prefix]=last (Gotta love Curtis' wooden inch-ruler with the metal edge, "MADE IN U.S.A." ) Pretty sure my first grade teacher might have smacked my bum with one of those for being tempestuous. Or impetuous. Or worse.1 point
1 point
This is first I have heard that the lock nuts and "safety washers" are SKF items. Thank you, Pete! Long time since hearing from @Rolf Halvorsen. Wishing him the best.1 point
1 point
Offender identified and blocked. Account deleted. Do not hesitate to report this kind of activity so that we can act on it swiftly. Thank you @HadaDaytona for the assistance!1 point
@docc I have been part of an IT department towards the end of my career. I am certain you are aware that whatever is on your email server can be scrubbed, unless it is encrypted. I do believe that the private messages can be read by Jaap if he wanted to. Because he manages the forum. But it is not a big deal. Most of us have multiple email addresses, and we should also be aware that there is most likely very little confidentiality with either yahoo, Gmail, or what not. Anyway, the scammers have the ability to create whatever email address they need in an attempt to fool their targets. I receive a lot of phishing attempts on one specific address. See the one below; my ISP is actually Xfinity; each month, I receive that same email. It looks authentic, only my Xfinity bill is automatically drawn from my bank account. They don't know that. I keep telling Comcast about it, but they don't seem to be worried about it. Whoever is sending that email, is in Thailand, and there is nothing I can do about it.1 point
I know this is just a matter of semantics and terminology, but to clarify: When a member uses "Message" on this platform (within the forum structure), no one else can see the content besides the participants. This is also referred to as "PM" (Personal Messenger or Private Message) and sometimes "DM" (Direct Message). Even as a Moderator, I cannot see this content. What we can all see is each member's topics, posting, and replies. An unwelcome, registered member may (likely) have seen @HadaDaytona's "Wanted" topic ( . . ."Just bought a front fairing for a 1997 Daytona RS" . . .) and two other inquiries seeking parts on Classifieds. In this case, the unwanted user likely "Messaged" our member with the external email contact information. Again, this is strictly a Red Flag and should be reported by clicking the "Report" button on the message. Also, for clarification, please know that your email address is only seen by the Admin and the Moderator. No member can see another's email unless a member posts it here. Further, please know that software developers can parse our paltry attempts to veil our email or phone numbers when we post something like "bobseven- at_geewhiz-mail-" or whatever. Or phone numbers mixed with words and numerals: seven 5 one two 3 4 eight nine 7 6 (for example). A senior software engineer once looked at me quizzically and said, "You don't think we can figure that out ?"1 point
1 point