On the valve clearance,: Yes, it is a little thing to do in the morning with the cold engine and I only do this after I get annoyed by irregular ticking of the pushrods, it is definitely not a daily routine.
And the other part: I used to organize trips for the Guzzi Club overhere and it is not that I had all of this in my bags, but we usually had this as a group. The ignition coil helped people back on the road again, just like a spare fuel pump that some one saved from an old Subaru (it worked fine on a EV or Cali 1100ie) and inner tubes and tyre spoons. . It is actually a kind of anekdote. One of us started to run on one cylinder. We removed the side panel of this Tonti Guzzi and one ignition coil was much warmer than the other. Well, you can imagine the guy thought this would be the end of the trip for him, but down in my bag I had this spare ignition coil. Ten minutes later we were going again.