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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2025 in all areas

  1. The only thing I can add is if I were going to use a Daytona seat assy I wouldn't be using this god awful bread box version but the Daytona RS version. Gundagai where this one is made isn't a million miles away from Pete Ropers place and about a 5 hour drive from mine. This one has been on the HMB site as a special for years. Take off 19% and add shipping. Michael may cut you a deal who knows. https://hmb-moto.de/Rear-Cover-Sport-Corsa-yellow-black
    4 points
  2. In order to mount the CRG bar end mirrors to mySport while retaining the factory weights, I had the weights machined. The machine shop charged me accordingly to work from the dimensioned machine drawing specified to the thousandth of an inch . . .
    3 points
  3. No problem . Find a manual petcock along w/any o-rings involved and get rid of the electric one.
    2 points
  4. Fair warning: have the barkeep pour you a double before perusing this topic link . . .
    2 points
  5. Hmmmm certain evidence points to the Apr*lia Mana being one third MORE righteous than said Grease oh. Perhaps that situation is down to heatstroke though.
    1 point
  6. Peeled out epoxy around wires to expose broken wire stub. Not sure I can get a good solder joint with what I have to work with. I'll try though. Ordered the manual one from MG. If it ain't one thing, it's another.
    1 point
  7. Generally, any mirror will be the first thing to hit the ground if/when the motorcycle falls over, including the stock mirrors. My wife has a collection of broken stock and replacement stock mirrors as a result. The bar end mirrors do hit the ground, but they tend to act as protection for more important things. You can keep riding with a broken mirror, you may not be able to do so with a broken throttle. As to aesthetics, I find them to be way better looking then the standard bug antenna mirrors. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Suffice it to say, some people think they look better then stock and some don't. To each their own.
    1 point
  8. Agree, the original seat design is far superior to either the Sport or the RS, but that's just my opinion Only thing I can add is the original was one piece with no seam, as I recall. The rear would require cutting at the base to accomodate a tail light, if you were mimicking the orignal design
    1 point
  9. Just did a search on this. Seems to be a many faceted problem. Wonderful. I've got a plan.
    1 point
  10. Every single person I've known over the years that gets into home brewing doesn't stick at it for more than a year or two. Too fiddly and finicky esp when you are woken up in the middle of the night with bottled beer blowing the caps off on occasions. Phil
    1 point
  11. Update...ran all new fuel lines and installed new filter. Thank to Scud's compatible parts list finding the filter was easy. Airbox cleaned out and everything cleaned up. Connecting the last jack from the fuel solenoid I noticed one wire had broken off at the bottom of the unit. SO NEAR YET SO FAR! I know the solenoid unscrews from the petcock. I looked at my other 2001 sport and it doesn't seem to have a wired solenoid on the petcock. Why would that be? And more importantly, what to do now? I knew those wires were fragile and I took care but they are almost 25 years old.
    1 point
  12. Might have to "rope off" those spaces as there is no protocol, otherwise. Josh and I have one garage space. Because our Sports are close friends and don't mind . . .
    1 point
  13. It really depends on the bike, doesn't it? The sport has a 4-posted nut on the front axle. 10mm wrench, and a 4" adjustable that opens to about 14mm. Tiny flat for the idle air adjustments (no, shouldn't be fooling with them) battery tire pump and plug kit. A cheap set of metric allens. Seat, tank, etc. is all allen on this one. Whilst rebuilding the V11 I'll have to make note about tools, but I expect it'll be a couple seasons before something falls off.
    1 point
  14. Ok, I can't do facebook on my PC, and can't share from my phone; There's a guy on FB moto guzzi sport 1100 group who is making tail covers in both fiberglass and carbon fiber- I think he's still taking orders. Lostrego Guzzi I don't see these particular items on his website, just in the FB group.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, ok. And a #2 Philips screwdriver, maybe.
    1 point
  16. My emergency tool kit: Credit card Debit card for my bank account Membership card for the auto club "rescue" service. Did I forget something?
    1 point
  17. @motortouring I understand... When I was doing the continental circus Grand-Prix in the 70's, we had a guy from the motoclub on an MZ 250 who literally carried every single tools required to take an engine apart on the road. Including bolt and nuts and spare chain links and every bells ans whistles for just above everything contact points and carburators. His only interest was to save broken down bikes on the road. An early version of the road assistance I guess. His nick name was "savior". You could call him any time of day or night, and he would come to the rescue.
    1 point
  18. On the valve clearance,: Yes, it is a little thing to do in the morning with the cold engine and I only do this after I get annoyed by irregular ticking of the pushrods, it is definitely not a daily routine. And the other part: I used to organize trips for the Guzzi Club overhere and it is not that I had all of this in my bags, but we usually had this as a group. The ignition coil helped people back on the road again, just like a spare fuel pump that some one saved from an old Subaru (it worked fine on a EV or Cali 1100ie) and inner tubes and tyre spoons. . It is actually a kind of anekdote. One of us started to run on one cylinder. We removed the side panel of this Tonti Guzzi and one ignition coil was much warmer than the other. Well, you can imagine the guy thought this would be the end of the trip for him, but down in my bag I had this spare ignition coil. Ten minutes later we were going again.
    1 point
  19. Or they haven't got "caught" yet. Good point though, it might indeed be a commisioned "public opinion test".
    1 point
  20. It seems typical AI clickbait.
    1 point
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