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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2025 in Posts

  1. The bike that started my love for Moto Guzzi. On the bike show in Utrecht I spotted Sophia Loren amongst hundreds of occasions.
    13 points
  2. Still amazed by this bike, after 20 + years. Here picking it up in New Orleans in 2004 on my 50th birthday, an incredible gift from my wonderful wife. The next year Hurricane Katrina would wash this shop away! The Rosso still runs strong....I compare it to my other Guzzi, a 2022 V85 Guardia d Onore, and it has about 100% more Guzzi soul. Yes, both the bike and the wife are keepers for life. Andy
    12 points
  3. Just think. If it not for this moment, and this fine fellow, we would not be here together. I am SO thankful!!
    11 points
  4. Day one with mySport, August 2000 . . . Top 5 Moto Guzzi picks since 1965? V11 Sport/silver, V11 LeMans Tenni, V11 Sport "carryover"/burgundy, V11 LeMans/black, V11 Coppa Italia I mean, hey @4corsa, you're asking the other inmates on the ward!
    9 points
  5. Hi all, picture of my Scura S608 - proud owner and still going strong on trackdays 💪
    9 points
  6. It was a good day for it.
    8 points
  7. Haha! Love is like that, isn't it? The experience of being part of the community that has grown out of these loves reminds of this quote by John Ruskin: "The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it. "
    8 points
  8. Here you go Tim the original and best. One of my 750's and my 1000 ( with the Aprilia RSV in the background) Beautiful bikes both of them.
    8 points
  9. Do NOT mess with what the Norwegians might think what tires could look like on a V11 . . .
    7 points
  10. For the record, what Jaap's LeMans became: https://www.v11lemans.com/forums/gallery/album/87-gampb-sport-monza/
    7 points
  11. Guzzisti provided the tees. Beth made the quilt. Eric delivered it. Chet loved it. blob:https://www.v11lemans.com/463c4903-6991-4a2d-91e2-c832cbb677be Bill
    6 points
  12. My Quota 1100 ES is also a 2000, which I bought new in 2001. Was my exclusive ride until I bought my V11S this year! No vintage/antique MC tags available here in Colorado.
    6 points
  13. This makes zero sense at all as probably over 2 billion vehicles worldwide are at some point on battery tenders/chargers with the batteries still connected. When you come across stuff like this you look at the overwhelming evidence in front of you and see if it aligns with the "advice" you've been given. Phil
    6 points
  14. Some progress going thru the Coppa Italia, svingarm back on, carbon fender, alu plate in front of rear wheel, led rear light, startus interruptus, better ground, all connectors cleaned and treated, Caig D. Front part to do. Tires from 2014, wondering about Dunlop Sportsmart TT. Yes IPA time. Cheers Tom. Sent fra min SM-S906B via Tapatalk
    6 points
  15. I've got an 2017 R9T Racer, picked it up about 3 years back for £7k with less than 3k miles, thought it wasn't a bad deal So far I've had no problems and really like it, good linear midrange, but IMHO they aren't as engaging as the Guzzis, a little less soul. The stock suspension is pretty dire, replaced the rear shock with a Wilbers unit and an Ohlins cartridge kit in the forks, transformed the bike The other thing I miss is the exhaust note, I've got a Zard on mine, so it's louder than stock, but the exhaust note is flat and monotone. The riding position on the Racer is pretty extreme, radical clip ons and stretched over the tank. That doesn't appear to be the case though with the R12 I know nothing of the R12S but I do really like the looks, the grumblings on the Beemer forum I'm on is mainly the price. A few have purchased one, but yet to see an owner's report. My Racer, its beem modified a little since the pictures, nothing too radical though
    6 points
  16. 6 points
  17. Congrats on the fix. Audiomick and Weegie are the Hercule Poirots of this Agatha C mystery i can't imagine trying to keep these beasts running without this forum.
    6 points
  18. Dunlop TT's on, just steering bearings left to check. She will be a sweatheart. Cheers Tom. Sent fra min SM-S906B via Tapatalk
    5 points
  19. Exactly. The Tenni was the first V11 I'd ever seen. I didn't even have to ride it. That said, any temptation regarding a motorcycle should be acted on.
    5 points
  20. I can be philosophical telling someone else to throw stuff away .
    5 points
  21. Leave it to Dr Peterson to so eloquently beard the lion. I've just moved to my new and presumably last home, after 26 years. No family so just a single guy's work and hobby junk. An amazing amount of crap. It forces one assign value to each item. I had to face the reality of the advice I had given a close friend not so long ago. He was bemoaning the amount of 'stuff' he had accumulated and didn't know where to begin. I told him that when he's gone, someone will walk through your things, look around, and throw most of it out. Little did I know at the time that he would pass within the year. Close family kept a small keepsake, auctioned or donated the rest. My girlfriend now gets to sort through her pile of belongings so her house can be sold. Country life awaits us. I have to buy a tractor. ... and a few other things
    5 points
  22. Doesn't matter. However attached, it will fall off soon. B(ill)TDT
    5 points
  23. Talking about the connector, I found mine a bit corroded this evening when I inspected the type. I gave it a shot of Caig DeOxit® and slipped "the boot" back on. A couple things came to mind: 1) If the connection fails, it will act like a bad switch and the oil warning light will not illuminate when the bike is not running, ignition on (before start up and a few seconds after shut down). @bullionz failure could be a connection failure. 2) This connection is rather in the weather and the original connection is bare and unprotected. I added this "boot" from the V11 EV ("California?") side of the range.
    5 points
  24. You know you are writing that on a Moto Guzzi forum, right?
    5 points
  25. I asked mySport what she thought of this "soul" business. We had quite a session over the matter and agreed to come back to it along the creeks and over the ridges with her song echoing off the bluffs and streams.
    5 points
  26. "There is no greater satisfaction than to desire that which you already possess."
    5 points
  27. Because it works. All the character of the predecessors, but with the benefits of progress. Later models might be technically better, but the V11 is a successful package. If I were to hear criticism of the V11 models, I would be prone to ask the critic if he or she has ever actually ridden one. Hearing one start is already very convincing. Actually riding one should convince any fair dinkum motorcyclist of what it is all about.
    5 points
  28. Here is a dedicated topic pinned in "How To . . ." with links to wiring diagrams contributed by, or hosted by, various members including @Kiwi_Roy, @callison (Carl Allison), @stewgnu, and thanks to @Weegie for hosting the Kiwi_Roy content!
    5 points
  29. Somehow this reminded me of pulling the 'Sport into a parking lot full of new sportbikes.
    5 points
  30. BMW, putting the flat in flatulent for 102 years yes, I own a 1250RS
    5 points
  31. I really liked the look of the R9T Racer and sounds like yours is just so mate....Nice But yeah, no BMW has the soul / character of a Guzzi! Cheers
    5 points
  32. When I bought it 8 years ago, the bike looked like it had been under water. So I'm not surprised to say the least. What is surprising, is that the corrosion forms an edge exactly on a quarter if the print. As if it was physically dipped in water. I started her up yesterday evening and she runs like a sewing machine again. Very happy!
    4 points
  33. To clean the PCB I used Isopropyl alcohol, a very soft toothbrush and before everything dries a modest rinse with demineralized water (to move all that oxidation residue off). Then make sure the board is completely dry before testing.
    4 points
  34. But after turning it over, I noticed a bunch of oxidation connecting the traces on the board. The components close to the corner have been visibly hot because of this.
    4 points
  35. SFS has a "city tax" and maybe from memory a separate tax on "environmental" as well. Even Americans when you speak to them about all this rubbish just put their heads down and start mumbling incoherently into their laps when you ask about it all. Looking around restaurant you see people with calculators working out the bill. While you are in DC visit the Smithsonian air and space museum, It's FREE and very very very good. I've also been to the Dulles museum as well and it's well worth the visit. Washington DC and Alexandria and Arlington are all must see places when in the USA. Richmond VA is also worth seeing if you're into Civil War history which I am. Phil
    4 points
  36. The only thing I can add is if I were going to use a Daytona seat assy I wouldn't be using this god awful bread box version but the Daytona RS version. Gundagai where this one is made isn't a million miles away from Pete Ropers place and about a 5 hour drive from mine. This one has been on the HMB site as a special for years. Take off 19% and add shipping. Michael may cut you a deal who knows. https://hmb-moto.de/Rear-Cover-Sport-Corsa-yellow-black
    4 points
  37. On the valve clearance,: Yes, it is a little thing to do in the morning with the cold engine and I only do this after I get annoyed by irregular ticking of the pushrods, it is definitely not a daily routine. And the other part: I used to organize trips for the Guzzi Club overhere and it is not that I had all of this in my bags, but we usually had this as a group. The ignition coil helped people back on the road again, just like a spare fuel pump that some one saved from an old Subaru (it worked fine on a EV or Cali 1100ie) and inner tubes and tyre spoons. . It is actually a kind of anekdote. One of us started to run on one cylinder. We removed the side panel of this Tonti Guzzi and one ignition coil was much warmer than the other. Well, you can imagine the guy thought this would be the end of the trip for him, but down in my bag I had this spare ignition coil. Ten minutes later we were going again.
    4 points
  38. Tell the good man we are speaking fondly of him and would enjoy a visit!
    4 points
  39. Docs = The Silver Cyborg
    4 points
  40. There is that old saying...I could fill in the blank with fishing, duck hunting or motorcycle stuff. When I go, I hope my wife doesn't sell my ________ stuff for what I told her I paid for it.
    4 points
  41. Diodes 4 & 5 block reverse current flowing to the regulator, so unless the charger exceeds 200 volts, I see no reason to disconnect the battery during charging the battery while connected. I do it all the time. There is a situation where jump starting can damage a regulator of an alternator which has variable field current, like most cars. The supply vehicle regulator can see a low voltage since the connection to the flat battery causes the entire system voltage to go low. The suppling regulator raises output of the supply alternator armature current. If the jumper cables are disconnected in ths situation, then for a very short instance, the alternator output voltage spikes as the armature current settles down to a normal value. That momentary spike can damage the solid-state components in the supply vehicle regulator. The damage is at a microscopic level, and takes several weeks before the regulator totally fails. Since the V11 is disconnected at the instant of the spike, and has a permanent magnet armature, the V11 regulator cannot be harmed by jump starting. So charging a connected battery with the appropriate charger cannot harm the regulator. Jump starting can harm the V11 battery (not the regulator) if you directly connect a large 12v battery directly to the bike with heavy current cables. It is possible to exceed 150 amps charging, which can damage the bike battery.
    4 points
  42. Weegie , Thank you for putting this stuff together . IDK about Kiwi_Roy's status. I reached out to him last year and heard nothing from him . I hope/trust he is still above ground . He had been on Wild Guzzi around that time.
    4 points
  43. HadaDaytona contacted me about this scammer. I told him to put up a warning on the forum for everyone to read. If the scammer turns out to be a forum member I will name & shame him and take all appropriate measures. Fwiw: I can’t read personal messages either. Maybe if I go directly into the database, but then I still have to decode them. Let HadaDaytona reply to this thread or send me a PM. Then we can do something about it
    4 points
  44. Bit like mine ... Sulking under cover in the carport! I wasn't gunna ride in 40 degree heat last week so she'll have to wait till next one for a gallop. And you wouldn't read about it, it's 13 and raining today! You can't say we lack variety in weather down here eh, so fingers crossed I get a ride in next week. Cheers Cheers
    4 points
  45. I had high volt readings on mine 14.8 - 15.1 @ 3000 RPM took each fuse and relay out gave a shot of Deox to them. 14 volts now
    4 points
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