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7 points
Guzzisti provided the tees. Beth made the quilt. Eric delivered it. Chet loved it. blob:https://www.v11lemans.com/463c4903-6991-4a2d-91e2-c832cbb677be Bill6 points
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5 points
Dunlop TT's on, just steering bearings left to check. She will be a sweatheart. Cheers Tom. Sent fra min SM-S906B via Tapatalk5 points
Hello everyone! I'm Jaide, I've just turned 24 and with that I'm finally rid of the A2 license, and with that I've just upgraded from my restricted XSR 700 to a low mileage V11 Lemans. I'm probably the youngest member here, but I figured I'd join in case I need some advice with this bike. I came close to buying a V7 for my first bike, and after getting a Yamaha instead I just couldn't get those Guzzi's out of my head. And after a test ride I was immediately convinced I needed to get one!4 points
4 points
It does exist. https://www.jaycar.com.au/circuit-board-lacquer-spray-can/p/NA1002?srsltid=AfmBOooIOiwJEFgxR9MDQ2QNG0Xwu-E2653MgXqqdXuZnRR0qhZzoHYk Personally I'd be buying a spare ecu JIC. The other issue these 15M ECU's have is the Baro pressure sensor failing. Not a big deal if you live at seal level and don't ride into the mountains. You'll know it's failed via Guzzidiag if it shows dashes in the baro readout screen or if the bike starts acting a bit flaky with significant altitude changes . Phil4 points
Yes, some dreams never die. So ... there is the Moto Grappa, home of my Guzzi moto-harem. Fewer now than in this pic four years ago, parading on the occasion of Moto Guzzi's 100th. I mentioned my (quite possibly loony) plan over on Griso Ghetto, and "Street" worked up this mockup. Yee ha! Looking into options to execute now, e.g., @p6x's mural approach. Obviously, if this happens, there will be a party. Last time I had such an event -- in Atlanta, for the christening of the GarageMahalo 20 years ago (gasp) -- the local Peroni distributor helped wet down the festivities. If the "Moto-Duomo Doors" happens, count on a similar event at the top of Virginia. This post constitutes your invitation. Bill4 points
When I bought it 8 years ago, the bike looked like it had been under water. So I'm not surprised to say the least. What is surprising, is that the corrosion forms an edge exactly on a quarter if the print. As if it was physically dipped in water. I started her up yesterday evening and she runs like a sewing machine again. Very happy!4 points
To clean the PCB I used Isopropyl alcohol, a very soft toothbrush and before everything dries a modest rinse with demineralized water (to move all that oxidation residue off). Then make sure the board is completely dry before testing.4 points
4 points
SFS has a "city tax" and maybe from memory a separate tax on "environmental" as well. Even Americans when you speak to them about all this rubbish just put their heads down and start mumbling incoherently into their laps when you ask about it all. Looking around restaurant you see people with calculators working out the bill. While you are in DC visit the Smithsonian air and space museum, It's FREE and very very very good. I've also been to the Dulles museum as well and it's well worth the visit. Washington DC and Alexandria and Arlington are all must see places when in the USA. Richmond VA is also worth seeing if you're into Civil War history which I am. Phil4 points
I'm sure you kept this opinion to yourself ! Calculate the most you think it's gonna cost and double it .4 points
Many thanks, of course we have a minimum wage, about £11 an hour going up to £12 in April. So of course as it is illegal to pay less the tipping thing is less important here. As an engineer I have never been tipped the same for my son who works for Hollywood Bowl. I assume our travel agent has paid all taxes on the flight and hotel, must check this. Life was so much easier when I was alive.4 points
The only thing I can add is if I were going to use a Daytona seat assy I wouldn't be using this god awful bread box version but the Daytona RS version. Gundagai where this one is made isn't a million miles away from Pete Ropers place and about a 5 hour drive from mine. This one has been on the HMB site as a special for years. Take off 19% and add shipping. Michael may cut you a deal who knows. https://hmb-moto.de/Rear-Cover-Sport-Corsa-yellow-black4 points
Here's my latest tank cap. Titanium mount screws etc. I had the above Aprilia screw cap fitted for about 6 years or so before this one. Worked ok. Bit plain Jane but worked. Be aware that the flat body seal the Aprilia and all of these caps come with is Nitrile rubbish and will degrade and fall apart in a few years. I just bought some Viton/FKM sheet rubber of the correct thickness off fleabay and made my own. You can buy it in 100mm x 100mm squares of the desired thickness. Phil3 points
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3 points
Even without the nut, the bolt would not fall off; I pointed out that the splined claw of the gear lever has been deformed because of excessive tightening. Since the hole where the bolt stays is in both parts of what forms the claw, there is now a lot of friction because that hole is no longer concentric. There is about a 5 degrees angle between the top and the bottom of the claw. I also find this policy wrong, but there is not much I can do. It is their decision. They do not seem to care that it may affect their reputation. I think they weighted their policy based on the hassle to service motorcycles for which spare parts may require extra effort that cannot be incorporated in the invoice. I pointed out that a satisfied customer may purchase a motorcycle from them rather than another business. The feeling that I had if it was possible, they would have no service department and only sell motorcycles if that was ever possible. I have a feeling that in today's market, finding a good mechanic is no longer easy; once you found him/her, keeping is also an issue. I am old enough to remember the days when you could get your motorcycle serviced just about everywhere. The new vehicles are less serviceable than they used to be. These new TFT displays, the added electronics do not age well. Because the technology is in constant evolution, you may not be able to replace some of the electronics after a while. It is a bit like the EV batteries. If you purchase an older EV, some of the onboard technology may no longer be available to replace. I enjoy my two analog instruments. I only need to know the mileage, the speed, and the rpm. I have a warning light for low oil pressure, one for the charging, and a fuel reserve indication which I don't really need since I know how far I can go with a full tank. Cherry on the cake, a 10 and 13 flat wrenches will address most of my problems.3 points
Still have to try if Guzzidiag connects. But very confident it will work again. Also noticed the time between turning on ignition and priming of the fuelpump has been reduced. It's instant now, but used to take 1 or 2 seconds before.3 points
Yup. None for the ‘Old’ six speed shaft nuts though. Sorry, Michael’s workshop is still a horror show from the crane installation. I wasn’t able to get near the ‘Special Tools’ box today. Hopefully I’ll be able to in the next few days and I’ll get dimensions and take some pics.3 points
3 points
Mountains = good! Seal Level = okay . . . Below seal level = NO GOOD!3 points
If you search for "conformal coating" you will see many products that offer a protective, breathable coating of thin polymeric film that does exactly what you want. Then you can immerse the bike again and it will still start. 😄3 points
That brings up the question if @Mechanism's V11 now connects to guzzidiag (?) I also got a kick out the phrase "seal level." After all, when was the last time you saw a seal in the mountains?3 points
3 points
Sooo guess what.. I put the ECU in the oven for an hour at 100 degrees C. Took it apart, cleaned the entire (heavily oxidated) print with Isopropyl alcohol and dried it. Connected the bare print to the loom, ignition on... > priming procedure > power to coils! Yesyesyesyes! Now to reassemble everything and hope it's not a case of 'intermittent ECU'. Will post some 2x4 pixel pictures of this endeavour as soon as possible 😁3 points
@68C As a European from France, I will share what has always been my most puzzling experience here. None of the price shown to you includes Tax and/or fees. In the whole of Europe, and the UK, the price shown to you is the price you pay, in that it includes VAT. This is never the case here. I was once explained that the rationale is that taxes vary per state, city and so on. But my local supermarket does not include taxes either. Why not? Something you also need to be wary about: tips! with the contactless payments, came the flip tablets, which impose you to select a tip percent before you can complete the transaction; even when there is no service provided, such as you purchasing something that is given to you over a counter, or even better, when you do all the work yourself. I am just back from Orlando Florida, the home of Mickey, and I discovered a new one: the no tip option altogether missing. It felt a little bit like extortion. Can you picture going to your supermarket, filling up your cart, and at the check-out, you are presented with a tip percent selection with no opt-out? Are you renting a car?3 points
3 points
Here's a bunch of home made Guzzi/Ducati tools except for the blue one and the deep socket black one. I "think" the ring nut one is the chrome 4 prong one. It's 1 and 1/8 inch and a but rough I'll admit but a lot of these were pre milling machine home made. They only need to do the job once a lot of the time so practicality overrides looks and longevity. Phil3 points
Don't overdo it. It's a tractor motor, and it has to rattle a bit.3 points
A little minor maintenance…decided to install new ignition coils…had them in the box for a year now…and since the tank was off…might as well. No difference vs the originals so that’s actually good! Ran a wire for my TomTom under the airbox to the battery since I had the tank off, I had an extra mount so now fully wired. Resealed the fuel sender unit at the tank with some Hylomar blue…no more leaks ( last leak was two years ago)…had some very minor drips over the last couple of weeks. Did a valve adjustment…a lot quieter…would like it quieter still but will run as is for now. Bike running beautifully…out for a ride with friend today…lent him my Griso.3 points
Remember the Window Tax? We've brought it back. Here's how I do it as an American; If they have given me individual service, I tip. 20% is standard anymore, 10% and a confused look with an accent gets you a pass on that. If it's breakfast, say $30, I often overtip. If it's an expensive meal, I tip 20%- but beware, some restaurants add an automatic tip, especially for large groups. If they add an automatic tip, I never pay more than that which seems normally about 15%. If the service is bad (because they know it's automatic) I have the tip removed at the register. I quit playing the 'sympathy for tip wage workers' a long time ago. Too many of them make it a game of guilt rather than service. Anything you buy to take home, get it at the duty-free airport stores if you can.3 points
I have 2: One is a combined trickle charger and PSU 12 or 24V, 4 amps (for component testing and stuff) the other 12V 300 amps peak. If you overload they just cut out, no risk of BBQ. They are made by the French company GYS by the way.3 points
Pop quiz! A) a meticulous would of course regularly check the wear on the tyres B ) correct the calibration of the speedo as needed. C) both A and B D) Or maybe just consider the idea E) and have a beer instead. F) both D and E3 points
I'll be sure to let you know when I'm there, I have a friend in Cut and Shoot... lol and another in Tyler. Coffee's on me.3 points
Why would you want to go through all that? Why calibrate a speedo? All three of my cars the speedos over read different amounts. The Kia 5kph@100, the Mazda 2kph@100 and the Supra 2kph@100. All calibrated off the GPS. I adjust the cruise control speed accordingly and I know at lesser speeds the difference is even smaller. Seems to me when you fit significantly different wheel sizes you just do a 60 mph drive and check it against the GPS and remember the offset and you're good. Even with my addled brain I can remember the speedo inaccuracies in three different cars. Add to that a motorcycle with a Veglia speedo! Phil3 points
3 points
Yes....it's in Datil/Pie Town area, usually in August. There are a few folks in Arizona and Texas who go there occasionally. Matt Forslund I believe is still the guy who runs it...I think he's still the New Mexico rep. Will have to see if there's a link somewhere on the other Guzzi forums. It should also be posted on the MGNOC events page...3 points
3 points
Hi Phil I'm somewhat late for a comment on this topic, but I found the link to this topc on the gernan red forum. When I first serviced the TBs of my V11 which sucked a lot of air into the engine that shouldn't be, I was not successful. I used the Yamaha seal ring and the same steel bushes with teflon coating as were used by Guzzi. The new bushes did not alter the play of the throttle spindles. Neither the bushes nor the spindles showed any sign of wear. I assembles it and found the running behavior of the engine as worse than ever. Two years later I made a new attempt on the subject and used bronze bushings that needed to be reworked with a reamer. This was the solutio - the spindle play was severely reduced and so the sealers could handle better the reduced air sream through the bearig.3 points
I can solder just fine, but the two wires are really close together and I only have about an 1/8" stub protruding. I'll have to put a small heat shield between them. After reading about these things, I see how they are problematic. Such an important part with pansy ass wiring.3 points
3 points
Hmmmm certain evidence points to the Apr*lia Mana being one third MORE righteous than said Grease oh. Perhaps that situation is down to heatstroke though.3 points
Generally, any mirror will be the first thing to hit the ground if/when the motorcycle falls over, including the stock mirrors. My wife has a collection of broken stock and replacement stock mirrors as a result. The bar end mirrors do hit the ground, but they tend to act as protection for more important things. You can keep riding with a broken mirror, you may not be able to do so with a broken throttle. As to aesthetics, I find them to be way better looking then the standard bug antenna mirrors. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Suffice it to say, some people think they look better then stock and some don't. To each their own.3 points
No problem . Find a manual petcock along w/any o-rings involved and get rid of the electric one.3 points
In order to mount the CRG bar end mirrors to mySport while retaining the factory weights, I had the weights machined. The machine shop charged me accordingly to work from the dimensioned machine drawing specified to the thousandth of an inch . . .3 points
Nothing wrong with the door Bill and as I said it may not be the same bloke. His faith is no concern of mine either, BUT! I am always deeply distrustful though of people who wield their religious beliefs like a cudgel and try to somehow imply they are ‘Better’ or more trustworthy/meritorious than others because of them. I don’t bang on about my beliefs or lack of them because they are of no relevance to anyone but me. I know you are deeply devout and my criticism was not aimed at people of faith, any faith, just those who seek kudos by wearing their proffered belief as a cloak of virtue.3 points
Here GST is included in the prices on the menu and displayed prices. I really don't need to be reminded of how much tax I'm being charged and it's just far simpler transaction wise. Tourist taxes are relatively new I think but on the rise because the world is now overrun by tourists and the locals are a bit fed up. Last time I was in the states we took some 100 dollar notes with us, as you do. Only 500 dollars worth just for the start of the trip, just in case. Traders just looked at me like I was a drug dealer when I tried to pay with them and most just couldn't take them. Gave up and just used the cards everywhere. Here at least when you walk into a shop or restaurant and look at the prices then that's what you pay at the till or checkout. No complications or maths required. Clean and simple. Phil2 points