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  1. This is the second time I ran into @activpop at the Portland Cars and Coffee. Last time he was on I believe his Stelvio? Anyways this time he brought a proper Guzzi. I had the kiddo with me so no riding. We had one of those sneaky warm days (high was about 75F later in the day) in the early Spring. They are always welcome. The bike looks and sounds fantastic. The Titaniums are definitely not as loud as Mistrals but not everyone has to be a hooligan. One of these days I'll unbury the V11 and bring it out too.
    17 points
  2. 15 points
  3. 14 points
  4. The bike that started my love for Moto Guzzi. On the bike show in Utrecht I spotted Sophia Loren amongst hundreds of occasions.
    13 points
  5. A sound of thunder across the Frisian countryside.
    13 points
  6. Now l have to do some organizing in my shelfs with the enormous amount of parts. Many new, Titanium ex, carbon fender, side covers, complete fuelpump asembly ++++. 10013km, all original. Cheers Tom. Sent fra min SM-S906B via Tapatalk
    13 points
  7. Still amazed by this bike, after 20 + years. Here picking it up in New Orleans in 2004 on my 50th birthday, an incredible gift from my wonderful wife. The next year Hurricane Katrina would wash this shop away! The Rosso still runs strong....I compare it to my other Guzzi, a 2022 V85 Guardia d Onore, and it has about 100% more Guzzi soul. Yes, both the bike and the wife are keepers for life. Andy
    12 points
  8. 12 points
  9. All fresh with new shoes and ready for action.
    12 points
  10. That people who do things like this should be castrated and choked with their own testicles That is all.
    12 points
  11. Will indulge in some moto-modeling, since with Goldie finally back on-line, Greenie done, and Red in good shape per usual, was the 1st time the gaggle of geese could get dolled up for a family photo…
    12 points
  12. Just think. If it not for this moment, and this fine fellow, we would not be here together. I am SO thankful!!
    11 points
  13. Wandering the streets of Roma and Milano you rarely see any Guzzis. Considering they build the things only 65klm's from Milano you'd think they would be commonly seen on the streets of Milano but nope. Here's a few I've spotted. The most common non scooter around the cities? The big BMW GS's in all their forms over the last 15 years or so. Hundreds of them. I've even spotted 2 old BMW K100RS's a blue and a red one both in beautiful condition the same as the new ones I toured Europe back in 84 and 86. Blue in 84 and red in 86. Guzzi's though are rare birds. Off to Mandello tomorrow. Sure to see some Guzzis there, maybe.
    11 points
  14. Today I received a big envelope with some really nice goodies and letters from the US. Thank you ‘spine raiders’ 🙏 And especially Docc! Hope you had a great weekend.
    11 points
  15. Purchased another V11 ! Pick it up at the weekend. This one compliments the Rosso Corsa, ie. another “limited edition” model Here’s a clue …
    11 points
  16. I find it an absolute honor that you would give so much consideration to coming, @Admin Jaap! Perhaps for the Twenty-first . . . SSR XXI . . . Truly best regards, Jaap, from all of us. And thank you, again, for this delightful and important playground you have created for us!
    11 points
  17. Following a weekend of riding on wet, sodden roads (another appalling wash out of a UK summer), I cleaned the filth off my burgundy V11 today
    11 points
  18. I worked with him filming "ON ANY SUNDAY" and had the pleasure of riding with him at Bruce Browns Ranch ...Great guy! RIP https://www.cyclenews.com/2024/11/article/godspeed-malcolm-smith-1941-2024/
    10 points
  19. Yes, finally. My pix of SSR XX. Lots of reasons for my tardiness in gathering, culling, and adding captions, including general sloth and lethargy. These are, if not quite ready for prime time, they are probably "good enough." Even if barely that, consider that I started with 452, and deleted 300+. In other words, could have been worse. As usual with my pix, opens in “collage landscape,” and you can hover your cursor over the individual to see the captions, but those are easier to read in slideshow format. Bill's Pix of SSR XX September 2024 Bill
    10 points
  20. More from the museum. Met up with V11_meticcio today. He rode his Guzzi up to our hotel in the mountains and we had a nice chat. Very nice guy and very happy to meet him. Grazie Mille, Massimiliano. Phil
    10 points
  21. Arrived in Mandello today and went straight to the Guzzi museum for a look. Lots of people in town for the Guzzi weekend so lots of enthusiast stuff happening. Here's a Greenie from the museum and an image through the gates of the new factory under construction. Phil
    10 points
  22. There is "something" beyond definition about riding with these sorts of riders . . . Something that engenders a genuine respect and admiration . . .
    10 points
  23. Full disclosure, @Pressureangle is an ATGATT guy, but was just pulling out from breakfast, headed a mile back to The Lodge. I will vouch that he accepts that socks is gear and "all the socks all the time" is the way to roll . . .
    10 points
  24. It's settled then... we ride old bikes. The first V11 barnfind is documented.
    10 points
  25. Titanium canisters not shown in this stunning view.
    10 points
  26. Day one with mySport, August 2000 . . . Top 5 Moto Guzzi picks since 1965? V11 Sport/silver, V11 LeMans Tenni, V11 Sport "carryover"/burgundy, V11 LeMans/black, V11 Coppa Italia I mean, hey @4corsa, you're asking the other inmates on the ward!
    9 points
  27. In Chicagoland the Norton Club has put on an outstanding Antique Motorcycle Show every August. 20 years ago I woke up Sunday morning and hopped on my 1993 Daytona and went to it. Not having had my coffee I was a little groggy and when I pulled into the show someone waved me in. I suddenly thought “Oh Shit I’m in the Show”. I was directed to park with the Guzzi’s. I spent my day bouncing between the show and parking lot looking at cool bikes. At one point I walked by my bike and saw a sign on my seat. Move Your Bike To The Modern Bike Section. So I did. I ended up staying all day until the end. When they announced the show awards they started with Best Modern Bike and called my name. I was in shock and had not realized this was possible. The plaque was nice and I stuck in the back of my pants for its ride home. What happened next was a heart felt note that the award announcer stopped to add a special guy. He said the best Norton award goes to Joe Blow. Now his bike is a beauty but I feel that I need to tell you that everything that has been done to this bike was done by Joe. From rebuilding the engine and trans to painting it. I thought what a nice thing to say. As a baby boomer I remember when everyone did this back in the day. I knew how rare it has become to not farm out the work. I got my award because I forgot to get my coffee and park in the parking lot. My hats off to you Joe for a job well done.
    9 points
  28. Enjoy your holiday and a happy and healthy 2025!
    9 points
  29. Big day today wandering around Mandello. Still packed with Guzzi enthusiasts. I got the hear an old bicylindrica running (the 120 degree V twin 500cc GP bike from the thirties to the 50's if memory serves) and also got to sit on a Guzzi V8. I didn't get to see it running due to timing issues (me being around) but I heard it run twice during the day from 1/2 a klm away when it was started up. I also had the great privilege of visiting the preserved workshop of Giorgio Ripamonti who was a teacher of the young Carlo Guzzi and in this workshop with his help the very first Moto Guzzi called the "GP" was built and assembled. I spent 1/2 hour talking to his grandson who spoke very good English. On this very anvil and in this tiny workshop at this hearth Carlo Guzzi and Giorgio Ripamonti created the very first Guzzi.
    9 points
  30. Anyone crossing The Appalachian Divide should know that "feels like 90º" on The Plains (of Tellico) can "feel like" the upper 40ºs on The Cherohala after a little dampness/shower/fog/cloud ceiling with wind chill at speed. FWIW, I am using the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) and other storm focused weather apps. Places like The Weather Channel™ are, IMO, entertainment focused and will show you a snowflake every chance they get. Snowflakes sell. Meteorology a dull box of cloudy uncertainty. Yet . . . The Cherohala cloud ceiling is real . . .
    9 points
  31. Luscious beasts! Makes me want to mount up, grab a handful, and experience the intensity . . .
    9 points
  32. A few items done today…and then a wonderful 100 mile ride. New oil sensor, new plugs (left one nice tan brown, right one a little dark but not sooty), new vent tubes off the tank just for fun, was going to replace the rubber tank stops but the ones there are in great shape. Been thinking about the slight 3k cough or hiccup …wonder if it could be mapped away with a better mixture on the map at that RPM…still running the older version of the Meinolf map…may try the new one. Besides that the bike runs great at all other RPM’s. A quick check with the Carbtune…TB nicely balanced at idle and 4k…time for a ride. Out riding…a song comes on…Riders on the Storm…found a Scura at the end of the rainbow! Time to buy a lottery ticket tonight!!
    9 points
  33. In my continuing journey to improve my machining skills I decided to make replacement Titanium bolts and washers that mount the rear bevel box torque arm bracket to the bevel box. One bolt and two washers done one bolt to go. I've also got enough Ti stock to make a replacement bevel box torque arm bolt as well. Phil
    9 points
  34. Hey Lagrasta! well…. I have just got back into my house from a 4 day trip south to north of Portugal. There is a publicised route that runs from Faro in the south to Chaves (pronounced shoves). Don’t tell anyone but the roads here beat the Alps by a mile. The Alps has higher mountains, but a ton more tourists and speed cameras. There is a lot of info on the N2 route on Google and a thread on Advrider. https://www.advrider.com/f/threads/n2-portugal.1580803/ But this is just a very small part of what Portugal can offer. I came back via Serra da Estrella. This was even better. Just stunning. And I have ridden the alps, dolomites picos and Pyrenees etc. But that’s all for a longer tour. If you are hotspotting.. Lisbon and Oporto have plenty rental opportunities and great riding near by. Around Lisbon ride out of Lisbon on the Marginal to Cascais stay on the N247 north up the coast to Guincho then Malveira da Serra. After this you can continue North on 247 and take a quick stop at Cabo da Rocca. (The most western point in EU) If you have time Azenhas do Mar is. Great place for food. Sinatra is a must see place and can be visited on the way back. It is very busy there on a weekend. South of Lisbon, go across the old bridge (Ponte April 25th) and route yourself to the coastal road of Arribida. This is used a lot for new bike launches. N379-1. Halfway along there is a small road that goes down to the beaches portinho da Arrabida. Fantastic place for lunch. Continue to Setúbal and take the ferry to Troia. It’s another world over there but sandy and flat for a while. I like it there because it’s more original and the food is great and cheap. If you want to go further then the Alentejo is wonderful for slow touring. (Can be fast also if you want…) Evora is a very nice place to visit and happens to have the best Guzzi dealer in Portugal. It’s Piaggio and not a big place but the people are great. They organise the yearly Guzzi owners day. Had a fantastic time with them. You can ride there for lunch and be back in lisbon for dinner. All on national roads. There is a dealer in Lisbon if you just want to window shop etc. Service with them was not to my liking and I am not the only one with that view. Porto this is easier.. everywhere is great! 😂 Follow the Douro river out of town in land. Jump on the N222 (voted most picturesque road in Europe). There are loads of vineyards to visit for wine and port. Or just stop where ever something takes your fancy. Braga and Guimares are great cities to visit. hope that gets you started. If there is anything more specific or you want to do or if you need some help finding bike rental then I will be glad to assist. you will have a great time, that is guaranteed.
    9 points
  35. I have no problem with it, in fact I encourage it. OEM is by default, a dime a dozen. If someone wants to be creative, why not? It's built for their own preference. Some people follow stick and ball sports when they could follow MotoGP, I'll never understand it, but to each, his own.
    9 points
  36. Thank you very much! Great comment. I have been hanging around on the adv sites like advrider for long years. But this forum has just blowed my mind off. Such a great community with a lot of enthusiasm and in depth info about this specific platform. I feel a lot more confident now. Btw, this forum is also addicted. Admins must warn before signing up I can not stop reading how to section. I am lost and found!
    9 points
  37. Well, ok.. I'll photobomb you.. We were in the path of totality, so had a cookout/eclipse party. My last apprentice, Austin..now the Indiana MGNOC rep, took these pix. As we approached totality, I went to the house and got my birding binoculars. It "appeared" that we could see eruptions around the corona. The temp dropped 12 degrees, colors changed, and the breeze we had been having dropped to dead calm. Crickets cricketed. I thought, "I wonder what it would look like from the air?" Quickly opened the hanger door, did a preflight, grabbed my flying jacket, silk scarf, and aviator cap, kicked the tires and lit the fires. The spring greens were a different shade, and it looked like a wall of rain 2 miles to the west. The above picture is looking west. When we got there, though, it still looked like rain ahead. Not a ripple in the air. Awesome. You can see some of the effect in this picture taxiing in. Shadows appeared to be cut out of cardboard, and the colors were still "off.: Truly a once in a lifetime experience.. it was good for me.
    9 points
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