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Everything posted by windchill

  1. As promised
  2. Aha!! I bought a mega expensive Schuberth too, but never wear it!! The shape is "long" front to back and badly affected by side winds, or doing a "liofesaver" at any speed. Although it gets rave reviews for being quite, the thing is noisier than my Arai Signet: AND the visor mechanism is difficult. Basically expensive but not very functional!!
  3. And, curiously, the "choke" is one of the few bits of my Guz EVER to have worked properly from day one, and not to have fallen off (yet): which is more than can be said of the throttle bodies!!!
  4. Does anybody know if there is such a thing as a twin headlight fairing on the market that will fit the LeMans? I like the half fairing look, but feel that twin, round lights would improve it massively.
  5. Not sure if this is the right bit of the site to ask, but has anybody got or tried one of the MG flip front helmets? I fancy one, but want a comparisson in fit with an Arai Signet?
  6. Thanks for the advice. 1000 grade wet and dry did the job perfectly: or at least removed the worst of the marks and restored the "brushed" look to the surface. I also took the advice about reversing the odd little hanger brackets to get the straps further up the cans: what an improvement! Mind you, I can't help wondering why on earth they went to the trouble of inventing such an "Heath Robinson" solution: surely it would not have cost any more to cast a proper set of replsacement hangers, utilising the correct hole centres for the existing frame bosses. The only further mod I did was to machine a pair of 2mm thicker spacers out of 316 stainless to "throw" the cans out a bit further. To get the very best line and level, matching on both sides, I spend time re-bending the hangers to fit the profile of the cans, and had to take a little bit off the back corner of the RHS pillion footrest to stop it fouling the can when moved from vertical to horizontal. Once again, thanks for all the advice.
  7. Done it!! Reversed the **itty little brackets (why go to all that bother? They could just have easily made hangers that work and use the original holes), carefully shaped the straps to the cans (having first wrapped the cans in masking tape so as not to scratch them in the process), and used slightly oversize (+2mm thick) 316s/s spacers. The only thing I had to do was slighltly dress the bottom corner of the RHS pillion peg, which, at the very best (= nicest looking) can angle, fouled slightly on opening. If time permits, I may try thicker spacers again. The cans now look stunning!! Mind you, they don't sound as good as no cans at all!!!! Thanks for all the advice - for once I love my Guz!!! Will post some pictures shortly
  8. Now that I've had a replacement can for the right side, I'm going to try reversing the grotty little hanger brackets to move the straps further up the body of the silence itself. They do seem very diificult to get right, but, having said that, I had a similar problem fitting a pair of Scorpion cans to my, very symmetrical, Triumph Daytona. Persever I think, and don't scratch the Ti, cos nobody seems to know how to mend it!
  9. We obviously have too much time and/or too little to do!! Anyway, for one reason or another, my dealer fitted the cans whilst fixing the gearbox as a goodwill gesture, and scratched them in the process by re-bending the straps to come off the top of the can rather than from offcentre to the inside. Question is, what can I use to polich out/re-brush the finish? I've tried a light wire brush on my dremmel, but that seems to "pick up" the surface. Help!!!
  10. Aha!! Off to get the spanners out!! Thanks chaps.
  11. I would love to see some pictures. Mine end up with te s/s bands about 2" from the front end of the cans.
  12. Thanks for that. All done, but the rubber mounts through the shorter can/footrest hangers seem very loose on mine. Should they be?
  13. Can anybody remember which thread detailed propoer, non wobbly, fitting of MG's own ti cans? I'm sure I've seen some discussing regarding how well, or otherwise, they fit, and how to rectify the situation.. Thanks
  14. I'll take offers on mine too!! £50 plus postage in the UK? Buy your own touch up though!!!
  15. I bought one of these "contraptions" , but never use it now. It must be the crudest piece of backyard engineering going: specially designed to take as much paint off the frame castings as possible, whilst remaining dubiuosly stable!! Waste of money. I use a bog standard paddock stand with pipe lagging to protect the plastic cover over the swing arm. Has anybody thought about increasing the thread in the little tapped holes at the back of the arm and using bobbins by the way?
  16. Thanks. That means my lovely new cans were damaged before they ever left the makers!!
  17. No, but then they won't speak to me directly anymore!! Probably cos I was mildly abusive last time!!!!
  18. Should there be a "crease" on the inner face of the Right Hand can on a set of MG ti s? My supplier was "vague"!! I'm not really paranoid, I'm not, really!?!
  19. MG spring and 15mm boss seem made for each other!!! The only further "alteration" which we feel will help matters is to "dress" or smooth off the rough edges of the steel "quadrant" against which the peg of the spring sits. On mine, the finish is so rough that there is potential for drag to exacerbate the binding effect. All going back together now.
  20. ZGUKTA0102M111163???
  21. Thanks for the service sheet, very handy. Any chance of a higher res version by e-mail? The "16mm" advice/instructiin is what my dealer was told to to by MG in the UK. Anyway, will be a ble to report back tomorrow, after measuring all the bits, and taking thier part numbers.
  22. Mr G's UK Technical bod has emphasised to my dealer the importance of fitting a 16mm diametre shaft!!!!! Yes, both the dealer principla himself, and the after sales manager checked this out!! Guzzi, at least in the UK are advising a 16 mm shaft!!!!! Scary. Anyway, we now have a multitude of springs (thanks all) and a selectin of shafts, including 15mm.
  23. Still waiting to open her up. Mr G has made his first "offer". Will keep you advised.
  24. Ta dude!! Diolch yn fawr iawn boio!
  25. Notice there's a Tenni on the front page today with a nice looking (IMHO) belly pan. Any ideas where to ger one from?
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