There should be an old post on here somewhere with a picture of my bike being "recovered" by the AA back in May, when the spring failed at 800 miles. It took 6 weeks to get the bike back on the road (exacerbated by a delay in getting new "pork chop" plates - unrelated I know, but the paint peeled off at the same time!).
On August Bank Holiday Monday, at 1201 miles, the spring went again!! The bike is still at the dealers, who, despite their bvery best efforts, are having difficulty getting sense out of MG/Aprilia UK.
I have taken advice from Trading Standards, and threatened rejection etc. On the basis of the first letter, I have been told that a "comprehensive" repair including a new shaft (not supplied last time) is proposed. The dealer has been given the part numbers, but no parts.
In desparation, I have given them unitl the beginning of november, when the bike will be 1 to get it fixed, BUT also told them that I will not accept it back without written confirmation from MG that they will extend recovery/warranty provisions beyond the two years (I've asked for a further 36 months) in respect of this problem!!
Not confidence inspiring is it!!