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larue bones

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Everything posted by larue bones

  1. Sorry for the late reply. I forgot about this tread. Turns out one of the springs for the brushes , one spring had slipped a coil, uneven pressure.
  2. Will any MG 17" wheels swap out with 35mm forks on an 80sp?
  3. I have Daves book, some info not enough. I will ck. with wild guzzi Thanks for the tip.
  4. Can anyone give me some guidance ? 1980 1000sp would like to go to a 17" front. Dose anyone know if a 350X17 from a 2001 lemans would fit? Thanks
  5. larue bones


    replaced brushes on bosch alt. charging fine till 4000rpm than charging drops off. adjustabe reg2years old same for diode any idea where to start looking? thanks in advance. ps 80 sp1000
  6. turns out it was the feed terminal on fuse box. thanks again.......
  7. i have a bosch setup on mine. had trouble with charging. replaced regulator with adjustable one from moto international. u might want to contact EME at 303-526-0901
  8. thanks for all the info, it went to shop today. iam lost with electrical, i would rather rewire the bike than try to fiqure out a glitch,,but i wanna ride this summer maybe this winter.i'll let u know what the problem was.
  9. not really. it's a switch that distributes power? i am a bit of a moron. thanks for your patience........
  10. i checked out diagrams,dosen't show lead from battery. sorry i don't get it.
  11. when u say delivery side are to thinking #87 to solenoid????????
  12. thanks i'll try it....
  13. proud owner of a 79 1000sp, about 12 years. bike will start, next time, which could be 5 minutes. no power anywhere. if i jump the relay bike starts most of the time. replaced relay,checked wiring and conections all seems ok. waiting for new ing switch. any ideas??????????? could really use help thanks..............
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