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Everything posted by JayDee24ca

  1. 2006 GMC 2500 HD, 1997 Volvo 960, 1991 Volvo 945T, 1965 Volvo 1800S. With the three bikes and a trailer on top of that, I pay WAY too much for yearly insurance.... JD
  2. regulator/rectumfire rectifier JD
  3. Here is another Volvo link. Items 19 to 20 in the picture. http://www.volvopartswebstore.com/showAssembly.aspx?ukey_assembly=235617 But you will pay too much if you buy new...... JD
  4. Good Day Here is a link to the plastic cup at FCP Groton in the US, where I buy a lot of Volvo parts. https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/volvo-throttle-ball-socket-240-genuine-volvo-946704 There are a couple of different part numbers, as there are left hand thread versions as well as left hand versions. The plastic cups are great, as they have a little tab lock on the tp to keep the ball captured. If you google Volvo throttle linkage, you will come up with many sources for these parts, both the cups as well as the rods and balls. As there were virtually millions of the 240/740/940 models built in Canada or imported to north America from Sweden, from the early 80's (introduction of the throttle body) up to the mid 90's, you should have no difficulty finding one or two in the junk yard, where you can find these linkages for a buck or two. Alternatively, metal versions are available from S.U., although I am not sure that they would be a direct installation, and may require some fiddling and fettling. Hope this helps JD
  5. I seem to recall that the plastic socket for the short linkage on the TB on a B23 or B230 engine in a Volvo 240/740/940 should fit very nicely. Go to the local PnP and get one for a buck or less. JD
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