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Everything posted by peterguzzi
Just let me dream some more
Thanx for the info!! Mine will be the poor mans version and i would be happy with 125 hp @Pete...you will have more knowlidge than i...i just found these pistons and have to see if they are forged...i doubt it but will look for it!@
Custom made carrilo's says big dollar i guess...might be cheaper to use custom made pistons 600 dollar for 4 pistons....
Could i use Sport 1200 pistons for a big bore?
Wow...that looks the dogs bollocks! Like an old English friend of mine use to day... Question? That rear shock absorber looks very short? How long is it? Cause i could use a very short one for the Centauro monster
Hi Paul! Long time no see/talk! You know i just fool along compared to you guys so thanx for the advise! In a way i ''know'' a company who claims to build custom cams and want my to be big bore for testing so maybey in time i have more info about this!
Thanx Pete...These are the things i can work with! Like i said...i'm not going for the red zone / 9000 revs! I didnt know that the C kid cams still were avalable!!! I have the C kit ecu here but that nothing more than the normal ecu with a different mapping?
Thats what i think too but like i said...the technician says that those revs are not so high compaird to other bikes. I'm also not much of a racer its more the building than using it to the edge. I'm not trying to invent the wheel again but there's so much i dont know....just by trying and asking i learn
Discrimination....he doesnt want me here Just kidding...i just look for info at any place i can think of and i do like the V11 I only have the problem that i cannot leave a bike as it originaly was cause there are always things i want to chance...its a disease that costs money and time and thats also the answer for the why i takes so long to have a riding bike Also have a discussion with ''my'' technician about the use of Carillo's....he claims that the original Guzzi ones are strong enought to use in a big bore and wants to blueprint evreything inc the rods but i'm not so sure about this?
Sure...but the Centauro monster has no engine at the moment. The engine that was in the monster is now in the Quota and i started with a new V11 crankcase for the bigbore that should go in the monster!
Hello Gents! Thinking about a big bore for my centauro monster i am now looking for big bore pistons....any tips? It would be a great help And yes....i have a connect with this forum: the six gear An indication about my centauro monster: Plus to make it even more complicated....I had the idea of building a daily ride so i at least had something to ride...i failed so now i have two bikes in varouis states of not finished! The ''daily'' ride:
Man! Just as on Motor forum: my deepest respect for the build of this beauty
Its not a v11 project i'm working on, i do use a six gear, and its not just bolt on but a Quota with a Centauro engine is not sensible but the thinking alone is already good fun...Imagine the driving? It was originaly my intention to build a standard Quota to have a daily ride next to my first project but somewhere down the line it went horrebly wrong and now i have to projects and still no ride
Hello Guys, I have the opportunity to buy a pc III from a guy i know but its not moto guzzi...now i was thinking of putting new cables who fit the guzzi ones on that commander? Maybey longer to? Are they avaliable? That commander would be fitted on the V11 of my girlfriend...a 99 model but all mapping starts with the 2000 model? Is there any difference? Thanx, Peter
Actualy that what my thoughts where as well....so i use the standard stainless frontpipes with a crossover....and a set of supertrapps....something the guy who knows all in my begintopic allso diaproof off... Also a picture of my guzzi horror
As for the exausts...i have a crossover and believe that the original centauro headers would just be fine for my purpose...i want torque en pull power..cause i'm not mutch of a real driver who hangs next to his bike in corners... The 50 mm headers looks rough but they are more for top speed....as i believe to have read here!
Well..i hope that the picture i want to put here also comes here so you people can seen what's keeping me out of my sleep and that i have a long way befire i can fire her up! [imgatt]
Hello guys, I was in a workshop of guys who have a serious reputation here in the low lands and one of time told me to put 50 mm exaust pipes, from the head to the crossover!, on my centauro bases engine? But i always had understand that the bigger that pipe the more topspeed you would have? And they are totaly into racing, they even build a diesel race bike, so i assume that they just thought i want top speed... Witch i do'nt want...i want torque!
Thats a tip....maybey just for this summer till the big powdercoating beginns..
Found the us post trough the net with nice prices but are these correct? My English isnt that good and i do'nt want to insult the seller.... Airmail Parcel Post Rates Weight not over (lbs.) Parcel Post Rate Weight not over (lbs.) Parcel Post Rate Weight not over (lbs.) Parcel Post Rate 1 $14.00 25 $80.75 49 $150.35 2 15.50 26 83.65 50 153.25 3 17.50 27 86.55 51 156.15 4 20.25 28 89.45 52 159.05 5 22.75 29 92.35 53 161.95 6 25.65 30 95.25 54 164.85 7 28.55 31 98.15 55 167.75 8 31.45 32 101.05 56 170.65 9 34.35 33 103.95 57 173.55 10 37.25 34 106.85 58 176.45 11 40.15 35 109.75 59 179.35 12 43.05 36 112.65 60 182.25 13 45.95 37 115.55 61 185.15 14 48.85 38 118.45 62 188.05 15 51.75 39 121.35 63 190.95 16 54.65 40 124.25 64 193.85 17 57.55 41 127.15 65 196.75 18 60.45 42 130.05 66 199.65 19 63.35 43 132.95 blank blank 20 66.25 44 135.85 blank blank 21 69.15 45 138.75 blank blank 22 72.05 46 141.65 blank blank 23 74.95 47 144.55 blank blank 24 77.85 48 147.45 blank blank Weight Limit: 66 lbs. The parcel is 45 pounds..i'm not sure what would be the lbs? Sorry ...i'm blond haired! Peter
Hello guys, Dont know it this topic is right here but i realy could use some tips or help about shipping from the states... I'm not a very welthy guy and thats why i buy sometimes parts in the states, even japanese ,cause i dont have spare money to work on my special ....did that several times and it went nice... Now i bought a frontfork in texas and the seller, an honest guy to me, told me that the shipping is even more than the buying price trough fedex, ups is even more expensive....any tips? I'm in Holland! Thanx in advance! Peter
Hello People, Knew that italian paint could be different that ,normal,, paint and the V11 of my girlfriend will be powdercoated next winter due to she hates red... But the paint on this bike is unbelievable...frame,subrame, rearbridge, cardanhousing, wheels...it just comes off due to corrosion and rust... I've seen bad wheels but complete plates of paint coming off...the cardan housing is bare alu now.. Could it have anything to do with leavind the bike outside or roadsalt? The bike has only 6000 miles on its tacho... Next winter it will look a bit different than stock
You would believe how bad this is! All corrosion of the alu under the paint and also the engine is lossing paint... But the good part is she's finaly got a V11!
Hello People, My girlfriend just bought a 99 V11...grey with a red frame...nice bike...5000 mile on it...but the overal paint is so bad...unbelieveble... The paint just comes of as you look at it...frame, wheels, rearbridge, cardanhousing... When we saw the first pictures of it my girlfriend said: lets spray the red parts black and i say...nah..if its good its good... So now next winter the whole bike goes apart for a nice overal powdercoatjob! Back in Black! I guess thats normal for that year and Italian paint?