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HRC_V4 last won the day on January 5 2023

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About HRC_V4

  • Birthday 02/25/1971

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  • Location
    Kingsport, TN
  • My bike(s)
    2000 Guzzi Quota, 1971 Guzzi Ambassador, 1986 VFR700f, 1995 VFR750f, 1989 VFR750R (RC30)

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  1. I will throw the Honda Hawk GT in the ring, my first bike. The Yamaha TDM, at least in the US, did better in Europe. Maybe even the RC30, maybe due to price, but a slow seller. For 4 wheels, the Triumph TR7, still love the looks. Merkur XR4TI, Subaru XVS, the Dino 246, not a big seller.
  2. Not sure why a full EV (concept car) would have such a crazy long hood. I understand styling, but seems a bit too cartoonist. Bring back the V12!
  3. I saw the same thing at the company I retired from. We had this one old time engineer that knew almost everything about one of the businesses I worked for. I enjoyed working with him, learned a lot from him. He could tell you what it would take to fix a line and how much it would cost from the top of his head. I watched all the MBA managers stab him in the back and go over his head because he kept disagreeing with them and proving them wrong. They finally forced him out in a RIF (reduction in force). I retired not long after that. Also, the CEO is a one trick pony, every time the company was going to miss numbers, he would announce another RIF and a bigger stock repurchase, his only concern is Earnings per Share, a total BS measurement...
  4. I like the Supercat, but I've always been an XJS fan, come close to buying one a time or two. I love the box fender flares, these are probably more a Renault LeCar to R5 Turbo 2 transformation than a 924 to 944, but well done. My biggest gripe would be the headlights, I wish they would have done a modern version of the European flush headlights instead of the US DOT headlights. But I would wager if you have one, you might find a beautiful woman you hardly know to do something for/to you.....
  5. Have you seen that TWR is bringing the XJS back in limited numbers? Super Cat https://twrperformance.co.uk/global-dubut-for-twrs-v12-super-gt-supercat/
  6. Love my Guzzi's and Honda V4s, but it is a mental adjustment going back and forth between them. People who think HP=fast just need to go ride an NSR250 or similar bike. Riding my buddy's on good mountain roads, I kept going into corners thinking I was fast, but upon exiting them, thinking to myself, heck, I could have carried another 10-15 mph.
  7. I think this advertisement would have gone over better...
  8. What I saw was about 20 miles of disaster at the base of the mountains, so this should be the least impacted areas, they can drive 5-30 miles and be in an area not impacted at all. But the number of bridges that are shut down is scary. There was probably 1/4 mile of fresh asphalt put down just to open a road to a bridge that was still standing so people could cross the river. I saw farm equipment on it's side half buried in mud. Cleaning mud, trees and debris is the biggest cleanup item. I pretty sure up in the mountains roads are still covered in mud and trees, but untill the bridges are repaired/replaced, not going to be able to get equipment in to clear the roads, after roads, then power and water, then you can rebuild/repair homes. Then you can clean up all the trees and debris along the roads and rivers/streams. It is going to take them untill mid to late 2025 to open I-40 and I-26, so I'm thinking 3-5 years before the area is somewhat back to normal.
  9. Took a ride down to Jonesborogh and Greenville today, I should have had a GoPro on, the worst hit area I saw was right around where 107 and 81 spit, there used to be a KOA camp ground right on the river. Half the land is gone and the building has a partial collapse. https://koa.com/campgrounds/jonesborough/site-type/rv-camping-sites/ I was on the far side river, Arnold Rd runs right along the river, 15ft off the river and 15ft above the river, there were root balls stuck 20ft up in a tree where it split. There was debris on both sides of the road, trees, building material, lots of coolers... The other side of the river was worse, land is gone, houses partially collapsed, maybe some houses gone. There is a farm on that side, tomatoes, some were gone, some covered in mud, some being picked today. Lots of churches and Fire Departments had donations for people, saw a few military vehicles out to help, lots of police and volunteers. Further down the road, you could not see the Nolichucky river, but there was what looked like a dry river bed about 10 times wider than the river itself. Once away from the Nolichucky, everything looked normal, very few trees down, people might had lost power for a while, also water, but no physical damage. There are more closed roads due to bridge issues, I had to take 107 all the way until it was closed, then take 350 south to get to Greenville. The pictures are from the Bridge near Greenville, TN. Look are the one picture close and you can see the hay bales in the debris, just for reference of how much is there. On the other side of the bridge was 50 trees right next to the river that had blow/washed over with the root balls still holding them in place.
  10. A lot of cut off roads, I'll go exploring where I can.
  11. I'm going to venture out on the Quota later this week and see some of the damage myself. I'll try to take some photos for the thread. Don't plan on going to deep into the affected area, just want to see things with my own eyes.
  12. The above post is correct, 30" of rain running down valleys was the issue, we have rivers here that have been turned into lakes by dams, the lakes can absorb the rain and the dams can control the lake levels. We saw no real flooding, but 30 minutes down the road in Erwin and Greenville which are right at the base of the mountains, had major flooding, look for videos of the Nolichucky dam.
  13. We got it pretty good in the tri-cities area of TN. A few trees down in the neighborhood, lost power for about 7 hours, we are on a water boil notice, but 30 miles south they got hit hard. A friend's grandmother's house got washed away in Erwin (house was empty). I have seen pictures of some of my favorite roads around here, Hwy 58 out of Damascus, and they are out of commission for a long time. One of my concerns is for the Wheels through Time museum, can't find any information on it. There were some very rare bikes there, and it was right on a creek. If anyone in the area needs help and is on this side of the mountains, let me know.
  14. How did the fix work on the turn signals? Seems like the would be some universal ones that would work. Finally got started on my tuning work, only a few runs so far, pretty rich, saw some AFR in the 10's and 11's cruising on flat ground around 4k. I'm running the Mistral front and center sections on mine, made some significant differences on balance from left to right.
  15. Good roads, if you can connect Shady Valley, TN to Hwy 58 to Back of the Dragon, you will have a great day of riding.
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