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Everything posted by Colorobo

  1. So I need to replace a turn signal stock and guzzi make Right and left. I don't understand why you cant just flip it over but oh well. So looking at the bike the throttle is the right and clutch is left, Right ?
  2. There is enough travel in the stock linkage. adjusted last night and did a short spin. everything seem ok . At least it wont be hitting the starter cover on the up shift like it was. That and a MRA screen new wires replaced some evap hose under the tank that was rotted, Shock proof heavy in the tranny. All that is left is tires in FEB and Im ready for spring summer. I don't Ride in the cold anymore I have come to the conclusion that I am getting old. Happy NEW YEAR>
  3. So I installed The Knights design foot pegs and need to adjust the shifter linkage. Is the arm on the selector shaft splined. so I can just rotate it down or adjust the linkage. thanks Rob
  4. Saw some on a vendor. how is the Quality? Will it change my tuning as my 03 has crossover. thanks Rob
  5. Where did you get the trim on the top edge?
  6. I have an Mra sitting on the workbench going to install Ill let you know.
  7. I am wanting new tires for a 04 Le mans. Since I ask all the incendiary questions like oil, Gearbox oil ect. Ill ask this too. Thanks again and merry Christmas / happy Holidays. Who runs what and why.
  8. Don't want to open a can of worms but what is everyone running and why. I don't want viscosity breakdowns, scientific specs, ect. Shockproof heavy, shockproof light, ect . What causes leaks and what works. And Happy Thanksgiving for those of us in the US, and for everyone else have a great day and a beer. Rob
  9. Do you need to have the driver for the properly chipped cables? Or are the proper cables plug and play? Thanks
  10. What are the vent lines sizes under the tank? I am thinking or cutting them and Quick connects. Also the crossover to the throttle body has a t in it and went to the vapor canister that is gone. Bike is 2004 Le mans. can I Remove the t and just connect them? thanks This forum is a huge help with issues. Rob Pancake
  11. Where do I get one? All I can fin is for a 2000-2001 v11 sport. are they worth it? Thanks Rob
  12. 2004 Lemans who makes them anyone have pictures? thanks Rob
  13. I was asking because the owners manual states 5 40 and the shop want 20 50 . I live in Denver and may want to ride a little in the winter. but don't want the oil to cause problems. I think ill go with the manual. ROB
  14. What weight 5-40 or 20 50, ?
  15. Colorobo

    Rich Maund

    Looking for contact info for him Thanks
  16. What are the torque spec for the reinstall on the axel bolt. thanks
  17. Does anybody know the troque specs for the axel bolt. I cant seem to find it in the manuals? thanks.
  18. So do I torque the axel then pinch bolt or pinch bolts then axel? I think it is the first? Thanks Rob
  19. Where do I get the key or tool for the front axel? on a 2004 Le mans
  20. I need to drop my front wheel to get a dent fixed. What are the torque spec for the pinch bolt, axel, Front caliper mounts and Brake rotors? Just got it home and noticed the dent, but other than that I love it . Thanks Rob
  21. Kinda looking for plug and play? I don't know as Im getting the bike on the8th.
  22. As I am new to the brand performance parts seem kinda hard to find for 2002 and up Lemans. I will be picking up a 03 in 2 weeks, and was wondering where to get exhaust and ecu. ect Thanks Rob
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