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  • My bike(s)
    2004 V11 Sport Ballabio

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  1. I have a Motratech foot control forward relocation set for sale. New in 2016 and fitted to my Ballabio I found them very comfortable. I no longer have the bike so they are available. Price 250 British Pounds. In good condition and complete with some extras. If you look in Technical Topics you may find my article on an excellent modification I made to the spacers on the shift side. Happy to post anywhere at additional cost. Thanks.
  2. I have what you want. My email is john@countdown.co.uk and I live in the UK. Had a kit new in 2016 I think and removed it this year as my 2004 Ballabio is up for sale here in UK. Contact me and let’s see how we can sort this out for you. Best regards John (Nixon)
  3. Johnnybnix


  4. Thanks Footgoose. Yeah John, me too. Took a while to convince myself to make the purchase but the major point for me was retaining the folding pegs. I gathered from some other comments on the forum that an alternative supplier has fixed pegs. The spectre of high siding off as a peg digs in was too awful to contemplate . Mind you, I'd have to be going at it a bit . My next project is to make a custom seat using a s/hand seat acquired from matey chops in France to accommodate my bony backside. Got the foams, got the tech, got the cover, now just need to get the motivation to start. It's freezing in Uk today so maybe time to snug up in the garage and get on with it! All the best Cheers Johnny
  5. I thought some might be interested in my experience of fitting and riding with Motratech lowered pegs on my 2004 Bellabio. By the time I managed to import them to UK they did cost quite a lot despite my best efforts to reduce import taxes and yes, I still got hit for some tax. However with the pound sterling now through the floor, it was better then than now to buy them. They are very comfortable and, for me, change the feel of the bike somewhat. It feels less sporty with my knees not bent so much. It helps reduce the tendency to slide forward on braking etc and vastly reduces the knee ache on a longer ride. No problem with ground clearance. Fitting was straightforward and the instructions are good. It helps to have a picture of the fitted pegs on each side which I printed off their website. The only modification I made was to reduce the thickness of the spacers on the gear change side because, with the ones supplied, I found I had to swivel my left foot in uncomfortably to hook or press the shift pedal. I had a mate turn me up some new alloy spacers to the same diameter of the Motratech ones at 2.5mm which was just sufficient thickness to allow the shift lever to miss the pedal on the upstroke see pix. John of Motratech made the point that if I modify the fittings it negates his product liability but recommended that if I chose to fit thinner spacers they should be the same diameter as the ones supplied to manage the loads placed on the footpeg especially if standing on the pegs. So I did. I left the brake side as supplied. The only other thing I'd recommend is not to try to remove the stainless cap screw/bolts that hold the rubber boots on both the Brake and Gear shift levers. I sheared off one bolt as the stainless steel had reacted with the alloy and seized solid. Much simpler is to buy two new rubber boots and two new cap head screws/bolts and leave the rubber boots on the removed levers. New boots look better too with the new shiny Motratech kit. All in all, a worthwhile exercise if bent knees cause pain!
  6. Update: Whilst I am looking to purchase a Coppa Italia for use in Long Beach California where my son lives I'd be DELIGHTED to find one in EUROPE or anywhere other than Australia where one is/was lurking....Can't imagine the shipping cost from there. Of course I know there's not many around and most are in the States. Shipping to UK or Long Beach won't be a problem. Please contact me on 00 44 1684 575576 or 00 44 07831 879444.
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