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Everything posted by bulkbiker

  1. bulkbiker


  2. Thanks for that.. my stand just arrived and I was trying to figure out what the funky spool was for exactly..will come back if and when I manage to get the Scura on it!
  3. Just in case anyone is interested I have this beauty up for sale. http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C767443 Since I got the Scura not using it enough and need some space in the garage.
  4. 496 is currently for sale on eBay in the UK http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322159349199?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  5. bulkbiker

    Quat D ex-box

    HI there Bit of a long shot but has anyone got a quat d ex-box exhaust that will fit on my Scura that they are interested in selling? I'm located in the UK but would pay reasonable shipping. Really like the look of them but can't seem to find one anywhere. Thanks Mark
  6. Can see a load of cracks in the breather pipe so thats definitely where its coming from.. my spannering skills are kinda crap so will prob take it over to Motori di Marino and get it sorted as well as having the whole bike checked over. Rides ok but I feel a bit edgy about fluids that have been sitting around since 2009 not used. Would rather get it all sorted then can enjoy it over the summer.
  7. Hi Steve Many thanks for that will try and take a look when its clean! Rgds M
  8. ok got a new plug and realised that the oil is coming out from somewhere at the top of the engine then dripping down... big clean up today to try and find the source.. the bike hadn't been ridden for about 7 years although had a lot of work done in 2015..including single plate clutch replacement with a twin. Any further idea of where its coming from.. new to these so any input much appreciated. Thanks again Mark
  9. Yep thanks for that called Motomecca this morning and new bung on the way.. ordered 2 just in case.. needs a damn good clean anyway as it's been sitting around for a while..will be investigating oil levels etc later on today. Thanks again M
  10. Hi Guys Thanks for all the input.. when you guys say it its obvious there shouldn't be oil coming out.. The bike hasn't been ridden since it was serviced and had a new clutch over a year ago so will have a good hunt around to see where the oil came from. I'm guessing the plug wasn't put back in properly.. also lost one of the plugs on the seat where the single seat cover screws in... have looked on the microfiche but can't see a part number for that.. does anyone know if they are available? Cheers and thanks all Mark
  11. Hi All Just got the V11 Scura home to find that the rubber plug that covers the timing cover hole has come out during the ride back and covered my boot and the rear tyre in oil.. nice.. Wondered why it handled like a pig! Has anyone had this happen to them before ?i .e. should I try and get two new plugs so I have a spare to hand in case it happens again? Thanks Mark
  12. Hi Scud Yes it is registered as July 2003 but could well have been sitting in a showroom for some months.. I haven't got all the paperwork yet but will have it next week so will do some more research. Bought the K as a winter project but then also got the Le Mans 5 a couple of months later. It has been done up to be a 1000S look a like (mechanically the same of course) but its a bit too low and small for me so think you are right about the Scura becoming No1. Still not sure about the K, I quite fancy making a scrambler type of thing out of it but will never get the cash I would spend back on it so up for debate.
  13. Hi I paid the deposit on number 318 yesterday in England. Will hopefully be coming home with me next Monday to Worthing, West Sussex.
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