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Everything posted by billgreenman1

  1. I imagine that it is difficult to pass Euro emissions on a big single without water cooling. I'd prefer air/ oil also.
  2. Now if they could sell it for around $10 per cc. ....
  3. "Thou shalt not ride red bikes" says a "grape ape" owner 😅 ( my hypocrisy has wide boundaries!)
  4. Never seen the guards with the skid pucks; those are cool as all get out!
  5. Today I stared at it for about 2 minutes and started thinking about getting more heat to the garage...
  6. I had an '07 Bonneville black, crashed it in '13. (2 broken arms.) Fun neutral steering, not the best brakes. I was about to improve them with stainless lines and an improved rotor when a Hyundai pulled a stunt and I ran out of room too quickly....
  7. My first car was a '62 Volvo PV544 built from two ( one and a parts car) frame up rebuilt by my father and me total cost including a newly found interior maybe $1200. I loved that car and still have dreams about it. Crashed it in 1989. Unit bodies are nearly impossible to straighten out... My present car is just a box with 4 wheels.
  8. Mine decomposed and became disgusting to handle. I think they were made from boiled leeches and bubblegum spit...
  9. This could open up all kinds of cans of worms; how about a V8 with a modernized dustbin fairing?
  10. Getting the throttle bodies loosened is the hardest part. I'm afraid of breaking the mounts. Hence I have new ones but have procrastinated this procedure.
  11. And a collective sigh of relief was made by all...
  12. Now if I can find the vaseline...; oh yeah: under the bed!😅ðŸĪŠ
  13. I'd love to see a "modern retro" Disco Volante in say 400cc and 15k rpm for under $ 12,000..... ah the stuff of dreams...
  14. Once I looked "everywhere" for 15-20 minutes only to find the damn thing in the seat release lock. Fortunately for me nobody saw my little breakdown.
  15. Mostly Richard Thompson and Frank Zappa, but anything with Rhiannon Giddens and Hubby Jenkins lights me up well...
  16. And a couple good hammers...😅
  17. I would love to see a picture of this hack. I'm going to start crimping and cleaning soon, but I'd love to have an emergency buffer....
  18. +1 on the valve adjustment tool. I bought one as soon as I saw it. Makes "getting the feel" much easier. Fortunately for me my hammers are left-handed...
  19. Also in Indiana, my black frame burgundy is a "Rosso". I guess I'm in rarified air.....
  20. I've always had good luck with the star-tron, but other things happen; like last night I got the dreaded weak buzz click at the relays. Time to clean and check connections and grounds. If I didn't like the bike so much I would have lost patience with it by now.
  21. Topped off the tank, added star-tron, rode to work, rode about 15 miles after, and wondered if this was the last time this season...
  22. ...and I was hoping that this post was going to be about a newly discovered anatomical oddity la-la Scaramanga...how's that for obscure references?
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