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About badmotogoozer

  • Birthday 01/13/1972

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  • My bike(s)
    Red Frames Rule

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  1. badmotogoozer


  2. I have the older Mistrals. The sound is to die for. Can't comment on the latest carbons you've posted though. Anything's better than stock in my book.
  3. I'm returning to the fold, and you're leaving. I remember you Stormy... mucho gracias for your contributions! Hope there's another Goose in your future!
  4. It was the only bike that wasn't chained to something immobile at the time.
  5. pigs were popular it seems
  6. Direct your thanks to Jaap - for making this forum posssible - I doubt there is a better bike "assist" site on the net. Helps that these bikes are so easy to work on, and that there are so many people willing to post their experiences. The Guzzi community is extraordinry. Happy to have you in the fold.
  7. The ball in question goes into the slave, under the bleeder. The bleeder should have a flat internal profile, not tapered like the restof the brake bleeders. OR it could be the ball from the clutch microswitch... prolly the only 2 possibilities. Nothing else would have fallen out. I am unfamiliar with the MPH kit... I would think that if there was a leak, you'd see fluid eventually, must be air trapped somewhere...
  8. badmotogoozer

    My 950S

    Gawd.... (
  9. The tag that used to be riveted on there was an aluminum plate that said in big letters "Off Road Use Only" which of course were immediately removed by owners, for obvious reasons... Cover/fill as you see fit, there is no pretty "Mistral" tag that went there.
  10. Only 6 months? I've been waiting 6yrs for my "warranty" replacement side covers...
  11. There's a reason they're called Mistral - they sing!
  12. There goes $10 that could have been spent on beer in your belly. Sadly that would leak out too..
  13. This kit was a wonderful mod for me - gave me the leg room needed, and placed the shifter/brake farther from my flipper feet - no more accidental rear brake drag from foot contact.
  14. I don't think mine has a Nylock on it, but I can check again tonight.
  15. Hi Nick - checked last night, my 2001 has a washer on that nut. Self locking plastic ring? Don't have one of those... cheers!
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